Chapter 20

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Kayla P.O.V
"Tre-Tre I'm leaving." I yelled walking towards the door.

"WAIT!" He yelled stopping me.

"What do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To fuck some bitch boyfriend, wanna come?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"SAVAGE! But really where are you going?" He asked again.

"On a breakfast date. Now can I go?" He get on my nerves I swear.

"Yeah alright. Be safe, watch your back, call me if you-" he started.

"Get in trouble. I know dang." I said walking out the door. I drove for 15 minutes until I was at Berries In the Grove. My most favorite place to eat breakfast. Walking inside the resturant I saw Cameron waiting for me. He stood up when he saw me walking towards the table.

"Good morning Bonita." he said hugging me.

"Good morning Cameron." I said slightly blushing.

"Let me get that." He said pulling out my chair.

"Such a gentleman." I said sitting down.

"You know I try ma." He said sitting back down. "tell me about yourself."

"Oh you know I'm 18 years old. I want to be a marriage counselor. While most 18 year olds want to party, have sex and get high. I mean it's fun to do sometimes but not everyday ya know?" I said.

"Yo that's deep." He said before our waiter came.

"I'm sorry to keep you all waiting, my name is Samuel what can I get you to drink." He asked with a smile.

"Can I get a strawberry lemonade." I said smiling back.

"I'll have the same thing." Cameron said smiling at me.

"Two strawberry lemonades coming right up." He said walking away. Cameron and I spent the rest of our date talking about life, ourselves and enjoying our breakfast.

"How did you and Tete meet?" I asked. But before he could answer his phone rang.

"Speak of the devil." I heard him murmur. "What's up Tete?" He said.




"Wait what happened?" I somewhat got worried when he said that.


"Okay I'm on my way." He said hanging up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No I gotta go." He said pulling out his wallet. Throwing a hundred dollar bill on the table he ran out without saying anything. I wonder what that was about.

Tete P.O.V
After taking Sophia shopping she begged us to go to Chuck E Cheese and I just didn't want to say no to my sobrina. Getting there she was having so much fun with the hundreds of tokens we got her.

"Maya you know we spoil her." I said watching her play.

"Yeah it's sad she more spoiled than us." Maya joked. In the middle of her playing some racing game this little girl who was waiting came up and pushed her out of the seat.

"Did you see that?" Maya asked me.

"Hell yeah I saw it." I said standing up. Before we could get to her Sophia was up and hitting the little girl in the face. The girl got one hit to her eye and it immediately started swelling.

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