Chapter 24

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Tiana P.O.V
Going back to the hospital Tremaine and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. That encounter we had earlier was much needed I say.

"Come on let's go give Simmy and Maya their stuff." Tremaine said getting out the car. I followed his lead and got out too. Walking in I saw Sophia and Simmy but no Maya and Cameron.

"Hey brother. Beautiful sobrina." I said kissing their cheeks. "Where is Maya and Cam?" Before anyone could answer I heard Maya in the bathroom throwing up.

"Here is your clothes and food. I'm gonna go see what's wrong with her." I said sitting the stuff down.

Walking into the bathroom I saw Maya face was in the toilet bowl and Cameron holding her long hair and rubbing her back.

"I got this from here Cammie." I said taking her hair. He didn't put up a fight instead he left and quickly shut the door.

"Tete? Please tell me I didn't hear what I think I heard on the phone." She stated leaving me confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"I heard you and Tremaine having sex. Or at least I think that's what I heard." She said making me feel horrible.

"Oh baby is that why you're sick like this? What all did you hear?"

"Well I know Tremaine has good dick." She whispered laughing.

"Bitch fuck yeah. Dick game on t-" I started but she started throwing up again.

"Pause." She said in between coughs.

"We will discuss this once you've eaten and once you feel better. Come on get up." I said helping her up. She washed her mouth out before we went back to the boys and Sophia.

"Babe you okay?" Simmy asked grabbing her hand.

"Yeah I'm fine. Fucking morning sickness." She mumbled the last part.

"Sorry I couldn't come help you. Cameron made me stay here and rest." He said slightly mugging him. I was sitting in the other chair on Tremaine's lap when I suddenly felt something grow against my butt and thigh. Realizing what it was I needed a distraction quick.

"Uhhh! Maya your stuff is over there. We got you all the stuff you might need." I said slightly nervous.

"Thanks wifey." She said smiling. A nurse came in Simmy's room before I could say something else.

"Guys I'm sorry but visiting time is over. Unless you're staying the night you have to leave." She said before walking out.

"Alright I guess we are gonna leave." Cameron said standing up. "Say bye Sophia."

"Bye Tio. I love you." She said hugging and kissing Simmy.

"Bye baby-girl. I love you too." He said sitting her on the floor.

"Bye y'all." Cam said before leaving.

"Tete I want you and Tremaine to go home too." Simmy said.

"What why?" I asked shocked.

"I don't need y'all in here uncomfortable. It's okay if you leave." He told us. Getting up I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I love you bubba bear." I said using my old nickname for him.

"I love you too. See y'all tomorrow." He said before we left.

"Tremaine don't think I ain't know what you was doing in that room."

"What? What was I doing?" He asked playing innocent.

"Tryna turn me on for more sex. I'm appalled sir." I said getting in the car.

"Did it work." He asked smirking. Reaching over I slipped my hands into his basketball shorts and boxers. Rubbing his dick I felt he was getting excited.

"Is it working for you?" I asked. As Tremaine pulled into the driveway I realized I wanted him worse.

Shutting the car off I hopped into his lap and started kissing him roughly.

"You want this dick again?" He asked.

"Just take me inside and fuck me." I moaned kissing him still.

Opening the car door he held me as he walked into the house. Getting into the house we still hadn't stopped kissing.

Getting into my room I sat my feet on the floor and pushed Tremaine on my bed. I pulled his shirt over his head and pulled his basketball shorts and boxers off I grabbed his hard member and started to rub it.

"Shiiiit." He hissed closing his eyes.

Deciding to try something new I placed my mouth over the tip and lowered my head as low as it could go. Bobbing my head up and down his dick was low-key turning me on.

"Shit Tiana." He said with his hand on my head. I didn't mind because he was helping me please him.

"Yo I'm finna nut babe. You can stop if you want to." He said but I wasn't gonna stop I could do this for my man.

"Fuck" He moaned as he came. The warm fluid in my mouth didn't bother me. Swallowing it I took my shirt off. I craved the feeling of him inside me more now than ever. Getting a condom out my dresser I threw it to him while takin the rest of my clothes off. Climbing on top of him I hovered over his length for a little bit before I slid it inside me. I couldn't help the loud moan that came from my mouth.

Bouncing up and down on his dick I was screaming from all the pleasure he gave me. This feeling was the most amazing I ever felt.

"How this dick feel baby?" Tremaine asked squeezing my breast.

"It feel so good, you gon make me cum." I moaned as I continued to ride it. I couldn't help my moans getting louder and louder. Tremaine flipped us over so I was now under him.

Slipping back inside me he stroked harder and faster. My legs were shaking out of control and my insides were tightening around him. Biting his shoulder I heard him moan out.

"Fuck, I'm coming." I moaned out as I soon found my sweet release. Soon I felt his warm seed fall into the condom. He pulled out, threw the condom away and laid next to me.

"That was amazing." I said out of breath.

"Shhhh we sleep now." He said wrapping his arm around my naked body. Pulling my blanket over us I soon fell asleep too.


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