Chapter 31 (Last Chapter)

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Maya P.O.V

It's funny how it's only a few people at my baby shower but there are hundreds of gifts. My babies have the cutest things anyone could buy.

"Thanks for all the gifts guys. We really appreciate it." I said shedding a few tears.

"Maya stop crying." Simmy said.

"I can't control it!" I said still sobbing.

"Please stop crying I want to ask you something." He said grabbing my hands.

Taking a deep breath I wiped my tears and looked at my man. "What's up baby?" I smiled.

"You know I love you so much right? You're the soon to be mother of my first born children. You have been with me at my worst. When I got shot you took care of me. Now I was wondering would you let me take care of you as Mrs. James? Will you marry me?" He asked holding up the biggest and most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

"Oh my gosh. Yes I will marry you. I love you so much." I answered. Everyone clapped and cheered as he put the ring on my finger and kissed my lips.

"We both got engaged today. I'm happy for you both." Tiana said hugging us both.

"Congrats bruh. Even though you copied a nigga I'm still happy for you." Tremaine joked.

Looking around I couldn't be more happy with the family I had. Even though they weren't blood we couldn't be any closer.

4 Months Later

Sitting in the bathtub I was bored. Simmy restricted me to bed rest because I'm nine months pregnant. He only allows me to take bubble baths and I have to just lay there when we have sex. Of course it's still good sex but I hate just laying there like I'm lazy. While sitting in the warm bath water I started getting a sharp pain in my stomach. Maybe it's the hot cheetos I ate. But an even sharper pain hit and water came out of me.

"Simmy! Get in here!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" He asked running in kneeling beside the tub.

"Twin time." I huffed

"Twin time? What the fuck is... Oh shit! Twin time. Okay baby just stay relaxed. Practice your breathing I'm gonna go put you bags in the car." He said running out

Okay Maya this is it. You're going to be a mommy to twins. You can do this.

Getting out the tub I dried off and put my robe on. Going through the my clothes I found the most comfortable clothes I could. As soon as I finished getting dressed a contraction hit me so hard I fell to my knees.

"Oh god this hurts so bad." I screamed letting tears fall.

"Babe come on they're expecting us. Can you stand up?" I could but I didn't want to this contraction was a long one.

"I don't wanna walk. Will you car- AAAAAHHHH FUCK!" I screamed clutching his hand. Suddenly he lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the Escalade.

"Anything else you need?" He asked.

"Is Tete gonna be there? I want her help." I said breathing heavily.

"She on her way there to start setting up your room to make sure it's comfy for you." He said driving in the direction of our hospital.

Contractions were hitting me hard and I felt like I was ready to push. But Simmy stopped the car and quickly hopped out to open my door. Grabbing his hand I got out and walked to the entrance of the maternity ward.

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