Chapter 30

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1 Month Later
Tiana P.O.V
For the 3rd time today I'm in the bathroom throwing my lungs up. It might be because all I eat is junk all day. Washing my mouth out I walked back to the living room and sat with my boyfriend.

"Again?" He asked.

"Third time. I'm so sick of being sick." I whined.

"Maybe if you stopped eating junk food you wouldn't be so sick." Maya said.

"Bitch you eat sunflower seeds, Cheetos and pickles for a living." I snapped.

"Well excuse me for being damn near 8 months pregnant. Speaking of which where are my Cheetos?" She asked

"Tiana just threw them up." Tremaine told.

"Fucking snitch. Fuck you." I said pushing him. "Get off me."

"Tete what's wrong with you?" Simmy asked. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were... Tremaine come somewhere with me." What the fuck was that about. Tremaine was about to leave but I wanted a hug and kiss.

"Babe come back. I want a kiss and a hug and shit." I said standing up.

"I love you." I said before kissing him.

"I love you too ma. Always." He said walking out.

"I love it when he calls me ma." I smiled.

"Bitch you was just mad at him." Maya laughed.

"So that don't mean I won't want a kiss from him." I started feeling sad and I wanted another hug. "I really miss him." I said crying.

"Bitch why are you crying he coming right back."

"I know I just really miss him." I whined. Ten minutes later Simmy and Tremaine walked through the door and I immediately ran and jumped on him.

"I MISSED YOU." I said holding on to him tightly.

"Baby I was gone for 10 minutes." I said rubbing my back.

"Tiana get down." Simmy commanded.

"No I don't want to." I felt like a little girl but I didn't care.

"Bae get down and take a test for me." He said putting me down.

"What kind of test." I asked. he handed me the box and immediately I was confused.

"A pregnancy test? Y'all I know I've been acting weird lately but pregnant. I don't think so." I mean I wouldn't mind being pregnant but I can't be me and Tremaine use condoms.

"You'll never know until you take the test." Maya chimed in. She was right all I needed to so was take it.

10 minutes later

I walked out the bathroom with the straightest face I could hold.

"Babe what did it say?" Tremaine asked standing up.

"I'm pregnant." I announced. Everyone looked happy and excited except Tremaine.

"I'm so happy I'm gonna have another niece or nephew." Simmy screamed picking me up.

"Uhhh I'm sorry y'all I gotta go." Tremaine said before grabbing his keys.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked breaking loose of Simmy's hug.

"I don't know if I can live like this." He said before running to the door.

"Tremaine you can't leave we have a child." I yelled from the door. He just sped off taking my heart with him.

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