Chapter 23

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Tiana P.O.V
"He is okay right?" Maya asked after me.

"Simmuel is going to be just fine." He said causing us all to have a sigh of relief. "The bullet grazed his chest, it missed his heart by a couple of inches and he did lose a significant amount of blood. He may need a transfusion, but other than that you all may go see him he's in room 306."

"Thank you doctor." I said before running down the hallway with everyone right behind me. Walking into his room Simmy was hooked up to a bunch of weird machines but he was awake.

"Simmy! Please never scare me like that again. Why did you jump in front of me?" I asked slightly crying.

"Tiana I wasn't about to let you get shot. It just barley missed my heart it could have hit yours. I told you no matter what it costs me I got you. If it cost my life so be it but I'm keeping my word." He said.

"You didn't have to jump in front of the bullet. I wish you hadn't, you could be dead right now. Have you thought about that? What if you died? You couldn't keep your word at that point. You would have left me, Maya and your unborn child. It would have been hard to explain to that child why their daddy wasn't here."

"My child's auntie would have helped take care of them. My child's auntie would have made sure they knew just how much I loved them." He said. Maya was watching us from a distance.

"Well let's just be happy he's okay." Candy directed to me.

"I'm happy you okay bruh." Tremaine said giving him a small hug.

"Thanks. Is there someone cleaning up my house?" He asked

"They should be done with everything." Tremaine said looking at his watch.

"Well in that case. We're gonna go home and get you some fresh clothes, and I'll make you some food." I said standing.

"My favorite food?" He said smirking.

"Yes your favorite food. Boo-Boo when I come back I'll have you some clothes and food for you too." I told Maya.

"Thank you wifey. I love you." She said hugging me.

"Girl bye you cheated on me with my brother and got pregnant." I joked.

"And you call me gay!" She said laughing.

"Bye y'all." I said with Tremaine and Candy following.

Maya P.O.V
Looking over at his sleeping body I couldn't help but smile. I'm so happy Simmy is okay. I couldn't handle another loss right now. Especially being pregnant with his child it'd only be harder on me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.

"I'm just really happy you're okay. Babe I have a question."

"Yeah baby." He said still halfway asleep.

"You really love me?" I asked.

"With all my heart. It's crazy how short a time you can be with someone and you love them more than you love yourself, more than you love life. I love you so much Maya Camille Wright." He said making me cry a little.

"Simmuel Peyton James I love you too. So much I'm scared to be without you." I said as he wiped the tears off my cheek.

"I love you too little girl." He said rubbing my stomach.

"Little girl? I hate to tell you there is a boy in this stomach baby." I said smiling.

"I know it's a girl baby. I put her there." He said smirking.

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