Chapter 18

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Maya P.O.V
It's been a whole week and I still can't believe it. My mama is really gone. I'll never be held like she used to when I was a little girl or crawl in her bed when I'm scared or lonely.

"Hey baby how are you feeling?" Simmy asked walking into the room.

"Not as bad as I thought." I said with a slight smile

"Care to elaborate?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I mean I'm hurt she is gone, but I wouldn't want her to be in pain. I'm happy because I know my mama is somewhere good. And I'm happy because we fixed everything before she passed." I said as a few tears escaped from my eyes. "I'm not gonna cry anymore today I hope." I said wiping my tears.

"That's good baby." Simmy said kissing my lips.

"Knock knock!" Tete said before opening the door. "Come on wifey we need to do something to cheer you up." She said pulling my hand.

"What do you have in mind?" I said getting up.

"Both of y'all get dressed, we can go to the fair." she said.

"That's a good idea sis." Simmy said standing up.

"Only got good ideas bitch! FUCK YOU THOUGHT!" She yelled before running downstairs. Laughing at her I stood up walking to my dresser. I pulled out some black shorts, a white and gold half-shirt and my gold chain with my name on it.

"No ma'am. I'm sorry this outfit isn't gonna work out." Simmy staring at my clothes.

"And why not? It's 80 degrees outside." I said crossing my arms.

"Them shorts too short. Try something else." He said crossing his arms too.

"You never seen me in them." I said cocking my head to one side."

"All that ass you got. I don't think so." He said looking at my booty.

"Boy go on." I said walking into the bathroom to shower. After getting out Simmy hopped in after me. After getting dressed I couldn't decide what shoes I wanted to wear. I figure I'd interrupt Simmy's process of getting ready.

"Baby what shoes should I wear." I asked walking into the bathroom. Looking him up and down he looked good as hell in his boxers.

"Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat." He said pulling his pants up. "White sandals." He said pulling his shirt on.

"Thank you baby." I said kissing his lips. Today was gonna be fun. It was gonna be a good distraction from my mom.

"Aye y'all two lets go! Tremaine and Kayla are back!" Tete yelled up the stairs.

"Babe are you done yet?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go." He said pulling me downstairs. We all rode in the escalade because it was big enough to seat 6. After 30 minutes of riding we got to the fair. Simmy bought 6 passes so we could ride any ride.

Tiana P.O.V
"So what are we about to do?" I asked holding Tremaine's hand.

"Well I'm not being a 3rd wheel to either couple so I'm gonna go get on something." Kayla said about to walk away.

"Kay-Kay, where is your phone?" Tremaine asked stopping her.

"In my pocket." she said annoyed.

"Let me see." He said.

"Bruh stop it I'll be okay. I'll call if I run into trouble." She said walking off.

"Baby stop worrying. She is gonna be okay." I said grabbing him by his waist.

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