Chapter 13

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Simmy P.O.V.
"Babe what are we gonna do?" Maya asked laying in our bed. We decided to be together earlier today on our date.

"I honestly don't know." I said getting in bed with her. I really like Maya a lot. She makes me want to change my ways and get out the streets.

"It's okay baby you'll think of something now go to sleep." she said kissing my lips. Snuggling up to me she closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep, but not soon after her I fell asleep too.

Tiana P.O.V.
Putting my pajamas on I couldn't help but think about what Candy just told us.   I mean I'm not scared I'm ready to get whatever it is over with. Marcus is just gonna be another dead body I've seen. Starting up my laptop I wanted to get on FaceTime and see my boyfriend. It felt good to call Tremaine my boyfriend. Calling him he picked up as soon as it rang.

"Hello gorgeous girlfriend." he answered.

"Hello sexy boyfriend." I said blowing him a kiss.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting under my covers.

"Not shit. Just thinking." He said putting his arm over his forehead.

"About what?" I asked looking at him.

"Tryna come up with a plan for this weekend. Are you scared?" He asked looking at me.

"Hell no. I'm not scared of anything, Marcus is just one more dead body I'll see." I said lookin at my nails.

"What was the first dead body you saw?" He asked.

"My mother." I said looking at him.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked sitting up.

"Not really." I said

"Okay." he said

"But I think you should know if we're gonna go any further in a relationship." I said sitting up.

"I'm listening Tete." he said looking at me

"It was 3 years ago." I started.

3 years prior
"Bitch you gon pay me back for them fucking drugs." Bone yelled in my mama's face. Bone was her drug dealer boyfriend and I couldn't fucking stand either of them.

"Look Bone I don't have it right now." my mama said. He drew back and smacked her. "Bone look okay I'll just fuck you until it pays off." she said crying.

"Bitch I don't want yo tired ass pussy. Maybe if you gave me something fresh and new." He said looking in my direction. I tuned them out and continued with my homework.

"No Bone not my baby. Please no anything else please." My mama begged on her knees.

"Bitch I don't want nothing else." He said pushing her off him. "Either give me her or I'm gon kill you." he said pointing a gun at her.

"Okay I'll do it, just don't kill me." I heard her say.

"Tete come in here baby." My mama yelled. I walked into the kitchen to see her with tears on her face and Bone smirking at me. "Tete you know I love you so much right? And I'm sorry I have to do this to you." She started beating around the bush.

"What mom? Get to the point please I have homework." I said growing impatient.

"Bone is going to have sex with you in exchange for some money I owe him." she said still in tears.

"What?! You want sell my fucking body because you can't pay your fees? What kind of a mother are you?" I yelled

"Tian-." she started.

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