Chapter 11

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Tremaine P.O.V.
Doing exactly what Kayla said. I went home and got dressed. I hope this works because I want to ask Tiana to be my girl. I know we just met or whatever but I really think we have a connection. I can see myself marrying her. Leaving the house I hopped into my black Rolls Royce. Driving to La Coturé I walked inside because I bought the resturant for the night.

"Hello sir. You must be Mr. Jackson." a waitress with red hair said.

"Yes I am. What's your name?" I asked shaking her hand.

"I'm Ginger. I'll be talking care of you and your girlfriend today." she said.

"Well she's not my girlfriend yet. I'm going to ask her tonight." I confided in her.

"I know this probably doesn't mean much to you but good luck." She said patting my shoulder.

"Thank you Ginger." I said before Tiana's limo pulled up. When she got out my eyes didn't leave her body. She looked good in dress. Walking to the door I held it open as she walked in.

"You look beautiful Tiana." I said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you. You lookin pretty good yourself." She said

"Hello ma'am these are for you." Ginger said. Damn she's good.

"Awwww thank you." She said smiling at me and Ginger.

"As I told Mr. Jackson, my name is Ginger and I'll be your waitress. If you both would follow me." Ginger said grabbing two menus and leading us to the private table I had them set up earlier.

"Why is nobody else here?" Tiana asked as I pulled her chair out.

"I didn't want anyone to bother us so I bought the place for the night." I told her sitting down.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." Ginger said walking away.

"What does she mean?" Tiana asked

"You'll see." I said as Ginger came out with the wine I bought. Yes I'm 19 and got wine.

"Your wine sir." Ginger said pouring some in our glasses. "And sir your food will be out in 20 minutes."

"Thank you Ginger." I said giving her a few $100 bills.

"Tremaine Jackson how did you get wine?" She asked with her arms crossed.

"I got it like that baby." I said popping my collar.

"Ooh okay then." she said throwing her hands up.

"So Tiana, how are you enjoying yourself?" I asked grabbing her hand.

"I'm having a great time and because I'm with you it's better." She said

"Aww ain't you something cute." I said kissing her knuckles. While we were waiting for your food we were having so much fun. Talking, laughing, joking around.

"Oh here comes our food." I said pointing to Ginger. Ginger say our plates down and Tiana looked suprised.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"How did you know these were my favorite foods?" She asked smiling at me.

"These your favorite foods?" I asked she nodded. "Yo mine too." I said laughing. We both had chicken, shrimp with mashed potatoes with cheese. I always make Kayla fix it for me.

"Hey you wanna dance?" I asked Tiana after we ate our food.

"Dance to what? Ain't no music playing." and just as she finished her sentence Ginger turned the stero on and Stay With Me by Sam Smith came on.

"May I have this dance Tiana?" I asked holding my hand out. She took it and I helped her over to the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around my neck I grabbed her waist and started swaying to the song. Holding her this close felt so good to me.

"Tiana can I ask you a question?" I asked still swaying.

"Yes Tremaine?" She said with her head to my chest.

"How do you feel about me?" I asked still moving to the song.

"I really like you Tremaine. You're so funny, cute, sweet and I like being around you." she said looking me in my eyes.

"Tiana can I ask you another question?" I asked as the song went off.

"Yes?" She asked still looking me in my eyes.

"Will you be my girl?" I asked holding her hand.


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