Chapter 2

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Simmy P.O.V.
After Tete and Marcus went upstairs to talk. I texted my partner to see how much money we made today.

Me: How much we got Tremaine

Tremaine: We got a good 20 mill

Me: Good put it all in my safe and watch it.

Tremaine: I got you bruh.

As soon as I sat my phone down something just didn't feel right to me. I felt funny for some reason. Then I heard Tete yell my name and a smack being delivered to something. Not waiting to see what I grabbed my gun from my desk and ran up stairs. I didn't wait to hear anything I just broke the door down. I saw Tete's clothes on the floor and this nigga was lying on top of her. Putting my gun to the back of his head I felt this nigga start shaking, bitch.

"Tete what the fuck is going on here." I asked looking between the two. I saw a bruise on her face and tears on her cheek. She just put her head down. Marcus turned around to face me with my gun now on his forehead.

"I'll tell you what happened. She tried to fuck me." he lied with a straight face. I looked at Tete and she was just looking at me like I know you don't believe him and I didn't. I taught her better than to fuck nobody she don't love. But I'll just see what else this lil nigga gotta say.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yeah and when I wouldn't fuck her she got mad hit herself and screamed your name." This nigga still lying. I dropped my gun and looked at Tete with anger pure in my eyes. I turned my attention back Marcus and soon enough I blacked out and started punching. I felt his nose cracking under my fist and blood getting onto my hands. I felt a soothing hand touch my shoulder and I snapped back into reality when I saw Tete. Standing up I went to my bathroom and cleaned the blood off my hands.

"Simmy get him out my room please." she yelled from her room. I walked into her room and saw this nigga covered in blood. I grabbed his legs and drug his ass downstairs. I kept pulling until we was good and far away from the house. I returned I the house in 5 minutes. I walked up to Tete's room and I saw her cleaning her face.

"You good sis?" I asked with a voice full sympathy.

"Simmy you know I'm stronger than that. Ain't no fuck nigga gon hurt me." She said.

"You cried because you knew I'd feel it didn't you?" I asked

"Yeah. I wasn't scared. Thanks for coming though." She said.

"You know I got you. You're my only family." I told her.

"I'm about to go shower. So get out." She said with a smile.

"Aiight I'm about to go to the trap and get this money." I told her grabbing my keys.

"Oh I'm going shopping tomorrow. There is a party and I want to go." She said being bossy as usual.

"Tremaine's party? I'm goin to that too. But aiight I got you with the money." I reassured her.

I shut her bathroom door and made my way to my trap house. Walking in I made my way to my office to the safe. I saw Tremaine sitting at my desk on his phone.

"What's good lil nigga?" I asked getting his attention.

"Oh what's up bruh?" He said standing up.

"Lil nigga turning 19 soon." I said patting his back.

"Heh yeah. You comin out to the party right bruh?" He asked

"Yeah I got you fam. But I gotta head out." I told him giving him dap.


Tiana P.O.V.
Getting up my face felt sore from the smack that nigga put on me. Bitch ass nigga got me fucked up. But I'm gon get it out my mind for shopping with Candy and Maya today. I picked up my phone and read that Candy would be at my house in an hour that meant I had to get my ass up and get ready. Getting up I went to my bathroom and looked at my face. It was slightly bruised but nothing I couldn't cover up for the time being. I did my daily hygiene routine. After that I got dressed in a black and white half shirt some red high waisted shorts with my black Michael Kors sandals. I normally didn't wear makeup but today I just had to. After getting ready I walked down stairs to the kitchen to make myself some cereal. Simmy walked down stairs saying good morning which was returned. He didn't get mad when I skipped on Fridays because my grades were always good. Soon I heard a horn honking outside so I washed my bowl kissed Simmy's cheek and left.

"Hey Tete." Candy and Maya said in synch.

"What's up y'all." I was thinking about telling them about Marcus but it seemed irrelevant so I kept it to myself. I wasn't about to let him ruin my weekend so I threw that shit in the past and kept it moving. When we pulled up to the mall we got out and went to work on shopping. After 6 hours we all went to my house to get some food. I opened the door and I saw Simmy in the living room playing GTA 5 without a fucking shirt.

"Aye boy put a shirt on I got friends coming in." This nigga just looked at me like I was crazy.

"I pay for this bitch. I can dress how I want in this bitch."

Candy and Maya walked in before I could reply and these bitches was looking at my brother like they ain't never seen him before.

"Aye bitches watch y'all eyes." I said stepping in front of him. They put they heads down and just walked to my room.

"Sis you something else." he said laughing at me

"Boy whatever. Get a shirt." I said walking upstairs to my room. When I got upstairs Maya gave me this look that I knew.

"Bitch no I will not hook you up with my brother." I said shaking my head

"Girl bye don't nobody want him." she said lying through her teeth

"Execpt you y'all used to flirt all the time hell." I said laughing.

"Girl whatever it was just flirting." She said crossing her arms.

After talking for a while Simmy called up to us that dinner was ready and swear that bitch Maya flew downstairs shaking my head I just followed. After dinner Candy and Maya left and I went to my room to go to bed. I was about to lay down when Simmy came in my room.

"What's up bubba?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"What did you get today?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.
I laughed at his over protective side.

"You will see tomorrow. Now go to bed and get out. Goodnight loser." I said laying down.

"Goodnight short shit." he said cutting my lights off. My brother is the best.

Simmy in the MM

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