Chapter 28

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Tiana P.O.V.
"You chocolate bitch you did that on purpose." I said with my arms crossed. We be having sex 5 times a day cause of him. I mean I don't mind but shit I wanna go one day without limping.

"Shit that's nothing compared to what I'm gon do later." He said smirking.

"You're slowly turning me into a nympho." I mumbled.

"You're my little nympho. Well lets go ahead and get to shopping." He said getting out. Before I could open my door he was there helping me out.

"Such a gentlema-" I started. "Bitch you not gentle hell I wouldn't be limping if you was."

"See now I really gotta punish you." He said smacking my butt hard before grabbing my hand. We spent 7 hours shopping for ourselves.

"Aye babe I gotta go to the trap and take care of some buisness. But I'm gon drop you off to get your hair and nails done." He said driving.

"But I wanna be with you all day."I pouted.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." He said grabbing my face.

"Whatever don't touch me." I said pushing him away.

"Baby don't be mad." He said trying to grab my hand which I snatched away.

"Did I not just say don't touch me." I said rolling my eyes. Suddenly he whipped into another abandoned parking lot and shut the car off.

"Man lose your fucking attitude. I said I'll be right back." He yelled

"Why the fuck do I have to lose my attitude? What the fuck am I getting from that." I yelled back.

"You asking for it." He mumbled

"Asking for what?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I finna make yo ass get in the back seat." He said.

"Nigga you got me fucked up." I said rolling my eyes. He opened his door and walked over to my side.

"Get out." He said holding his hand out.

"Fuck you." I mumbled pushing his hand. He grabbed my legs turning me towards the open door. "Get off me." Instead he put me over his shoulder. He opened the back door and sat me in there. He kissed me before I could cuss his ass out.

"I told you watch your attitude didn't I?" He asked hovering over me.

"Leave me alone Tremaine." I said trying to resist him. But in one quick motion my bottoms were down. "Nigga you not getting no pussy fuck you." But before I could move his mouth touched my center. He don't play fair for shit.

"You still mad at me baby?" He asked now driving.

"You don't play fair." I pouted.

"Sorry baby I gotta do what I gotta do." He smiled showing his dimple.

"Oh yeah. Two can play that game." I said putting my hand in his boxers. I rubbed his hard member slowly. Pulling it out I kept rubbing it buy I replaced my hand with my mouth. I felt his hips moving to meet my throat. It wasn't gonna be much longer before he was gonna nut so I stopped.

"Bruh what the fuck?" He groaned.

"Oh are we here? Thanks babe. I'll see you later." I said before kissing his cheek, getting out and walking into the salon. I was surprised to see Maya, Kayla and Candy there.

"SISSY! Happy birthday." Kayla yelled.

"Happy birthday baby mama." Candy yelled after her.

"Thank you ladies." I said smiling.

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