Chapter 16

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Tremaine P.O.V
"Alicia." she said before shutting her eyes. Looking at her face I hopped up and ran out of Tete's house. Starting my car I started straight for Alicia's house. It took me 10 minutes to get there. Grabbing my gun out of the glove compartment I walked up to her door and kicked it in.

"ALICIA!" I yelled will my gun pointed. When I didn't get an answer I checked all rooms. After looking through them all I came to one door that was shut. Putting my ear up to it I heard someone talking.

"We beat her ass y'all." One said

"Girl she was weak as fuck too and Diamond did you have to stomp the bitch like that?

"Yo I was just tryna do my part and break a rib or something. Keke did you blacked her eye?" Diamond said laughing

"I don't know I tried to make the look bitch look bad. Who gon see her ribs any way?" She laughed

"We did good y'all. He think he can just leave me for some fat bitch he got another thing coming." Alicia said "His sister was a warning."

"What are you thinking for his girl?" Keke asked.

"I'm gonna put her in the hospital. In the ICU or the morgue, makes me no difference. He gon need somebody to comfort him while she in the hospital. That'll be my chance to get my nigga back." She said

"Girl I thought you only wanted his money." Diamond asked

"Money and dick hell." She said and they all laughed.

"Bitch shut that shit up you was cheating on his ass anyway. Hell you even got pregnant by Derek." Diamond said. This is news to me. Cocking my gun I kicked the door down and pointed it at Alicia.

"You dirty bitch." I said

"Uhhh Tremaine uhhh pl-please don-" she started.

"Please don't what?" I asked cocking my gun again.

"Baby I can explain." she said trying to walk towards me.

"I don't think you should be calling my man baby hoe." Someone said behind me. Turning around I saw Tete, Candy and Maya.

"What the fuck are y'all doing in my house?" She asked standing up.

"Baby could you step out of the way please?" She asked and I moved. Taking her phone out she called someone.

"Brother how many rooms open?"


"I need three." She said


"Thanks bro." she said hanging up.

"Tete what are you planning?" I asked. It low-key had me hard because she was running shit.

"Oh see baby we are gon give them a lil makeover. Ya know kind of like the one they gave Kayla. Then we gon tie them up and take them down to the warehouse." She said looking up at me.

"You know you making my dick hard." I said biting my lip.

"Oooh promise?" She asked feeling my crotch.

"Get your hands off my fucking man bitch." Alicia said about to grab Tete's hair. Before she could grab it Candy punched her in the face making her fall.

"Maya you got her," Tete said pointing to Diamond, "Candy you got her, and I got this bitch." Tete said while grabbing Alicia's hair. I quickly got out my phone and started recording. After a 5 minutes they was all knocked out and tied up.

"Damn. Y'all fucked it up here." I said stopping the phone.

"Bitch you recorded us?" Candy asked smacking my head.

"Hell yeah that was a good ass show." I said laughing. Then her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She answered.


"Yes Marcus?"


"I'm on my way." she said rolling her eyes.


"I told you about that shit!" She snapped hanging up the phone.

"What's up Candy?" I asked

"He wants to rethink his plan. I'll let y'all know." She said walking out the house.

"Alrighty then. Tremaine, you got the bodies right? I knew you did come on Tete." Maya said pulling her hand before I could reply.

After putting them in the van and I drove them to the trap. Walking in I saw all the workers doing what they do.

"LISTEN UP!" I yelled getting their attention. "I need 3 of you niggas to grab some bodies out the van." I said and immediately 3 boys went outside. They came back in 2 minutes with Alicia and her 2 friends.

"Where to Tremaine?" One of the boys asked.

"Follow me." I said. Walking them downstairs. They put each girl in a room.

"What did they do?" One boy asked.

"They ain't mind they own business kid." I said with a pointed look. "Get back to work lil niggas." I told them and they ran off. Walking back up front I went to check the money. We had 50 million dollars worth of product and it should have come out to equal that. After checking it did I left.

Kayla P.O.V
Omg what the fuck happened? I thought opening my eyes. Looking around I didn't know where I was.

"Tremaine?" I mumbled

"He's handling business Kayla." someone said. Sitting up I looked to see Simmy come out of the kitchen with some water.

"Are you okay?" He asked handing the bottle.

"Yeah. My head hurts but I'll live." I said taking a sip of the water. "Where is Tete and Maya?" I asked looking around and on cue they walked in the door.

"Hey baby cakes how you feeling?" Tete said walking towards me.

"I'm fine." I stated truthfully.

"Girl I'll tell you what, you still pretty as hell can't even tell you got jumped." Maya said looking at me.

"Oh she pretty as hell now?" Simmy asked with his arms crossed.

"Yeah pretty as hell. Don't get jealous babe." Maya said pulling him closer to him.

"Ewwwww y'all so cute it's disgusting." Tete yelled while running away. She crazy as hell. We all heard a car door shut.

"Who is that?" Maya asked.

"I don't know." Simmy said holding a gun towards the door. He walked towards it and pulled it open before they could knock.


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