2 -Leo-

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Daughter of Hades
Chapter 2 -Leo-
[ Sarah's P.O.V. ]

The next day we got a new student. I sat in homeroom, history, alone in the back. Annabeth, Thalia, Percy, Grover and Jason all sat in a square shape near each other. Nico sat in the other dark corner in the back across from me. He seemed to be staring at Percy but I wasn't sure why. Will sat next to the window. Reyna sat in the front row before him next to Frank.

Our history teacher, Mr. Peterson walked in with a boy behind him. The boy had a wild look in his brown eyes and in his hand was a pen which he kept fiddling with. His smiled grew wider as he scanned the room. His curly chocolate brown hair fell all over his head in a mess as if he didn't sleep much and didn't care about the way he looked.

"Class," Mr. Peterson said. Everyone looked up. "We have a new student! Meet Leo Valdez."

"Hey Leo." Percy said smiling.

Leo smiled back and spread his hands. "New school, new rules, new faces, new places, and best of all...new girls!" He yelled and the everyone laughed accept Reyna, Nico and I.

Leo put his hands down and looked at the seats. He moved to the back and sat right next to me.

"Hey," he extended his hand. "I'm Leo."

"I know." I said harshly. "Welcome."

His smile didn't waver at my rude tone. "This seems like a cool school, not too many people."

"We get more students over the course of the year." I told him.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Sarah." I said.

"Cool name."

"Can you be quiet and leave me alone please?" I snapped. I hadn't gotten much sleep either.

"Oh yeah, sure, sorry." Leo said and turned to face the front where Mr. Peterson was lecturing about Ancient Greece.

"Make sure you're taking notes!" He warned and Leo's head turned slowly to me with a puppy-like grin on his face.

"Hey Sarah?" He said.

I sighed. "What?"

"Can I have a piece if paper?"


Leo followed me around for the rest of the day cracking jokes and fiddling with things. For some reason it felt a little nice to have someone around, even of that someone was an annoying idiot with major ADHD. This kid seriously couldn't keep still.

It was at lunch when I managed to loose him by going down a back stair well to the cafeteria. I sat in my usual spot in the darkest corner in the back. I didn't bother getting lunch, I wasn't hungry.

Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Grover, Jason, and Will came in laughing a joking around like they always did and sat at the table just in front of mine.

Reyna and Frank walked in after them talking and glancing at Percy's table. They sat across from him.

Leo came in next, running right into a tenth grader causing them both to fall.

"Sorry man!" Leo said and helped him up.

Jason laughed. "Leo!" He called. "Come sit with us!"

Leo smiled and ran over with his lunch. He glanced at me, winked, and sat down. "Thanks man. Hey does anyone have chips I could eat? I only got a slice of pizza."

"Here." Thalia said and handed him a bag.


Nico came in last and did the same thing he does every day. He glanced longingly at Percy before cleansing his eyes of emotion and walking angrily to the table in the corner across from mine. Accept he didn't go to that table, he went straight to mine and sat down next to me.

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