28 -Graveyard Blues-

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Daughter of Hades
Chapter 28 -Graveyard Blues-
[Sarah's POV]
Sorry? Sorry for what? I thought. I lifted my head to look at her.

"I've moved on." I said bluntly.

"So have I." Clarisse nodded. "I hoped you had, I missed you when I left. More than I've ever missed anybody other than when I lost Silena."

Clarisse had told me about loosing her best friend Silena. I now suspected that it had more than just a car accident that took her friend from her.

Clarisse sighed. "But I wanted you to be happy. I had no idea you were a demigod, I thought I was a danger to you. I left to protect you and I need you to know that."

I nodded. "Thanks for the information but it doesn't save past me from months of misery."

Clarisse scoffed. "Yeah, well, whatever. Fuck past you, you're better off as whoever you are now. I can already tell you've grown a lot."

I nodded in agreement. "I have. I found a place where I belong, a brother and...a girlfriend." I watched Clarisse's reaction closely but she didn't seem affected.

"Thalia?" She asked and I nodded. "Thought so. I'm glad, Sarah. Whose your godly parent? My father is Ares, if no one else told you."

"The god of war." I laughed lightly. "It makes perfect sense. My father is Hades."

Clarisse winced. Everyone seemed to do that when they found out, and by everyone I mean Leo, Piper, and now Clarisse. I could guess why, my father was the god everyone else didn't like. He was, apparently, not a great guy. Plus death was an eerie subject and tended to set people on edge.

"That also makes a lot of sense." Clarisse said. "Look, Sarah, I know I caused you pain in the past and we kind of left things...hanging but I hope we can be friends." Clarisse extended her hand and I sighed. I grabbed her forearm like knights do, a gesture we used to do all the time, and smiled.

"It will take a while for the awkwardness to wear off but I'd be honored to be friends again."

"We were never really just friends." Clarisse pointed out.

"We were never really girlfriends either." I shot back and let go. "Would you mind leaving me alone with my thoughts?"

Clarisse nodded and left the graveyard. I sighed, allowing the stress I'd been feeling over talking to Clarisse to fade away. My phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

Thalia: How did it go?

Me: It went fine. I feel a little better now, thanks. I'm going to stay here for the rest of the day though.

Thalia: Okay, just be careful. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I clicked out of that conversation and opened Nico's so I could text him.

Me: I need to talk to you.

It took a few moments for Nico to respond.

Nico: Okay, where are you?

Me: I'm in the graveyard across the road from the school. Will you bring me my paints? They should be with my art supplies on the bottom of my two bunks.

I asked as an idea formed in my head.

Nico: Sure.

I turned back around to face my mothers grave. She loved art so I knew she wouldn't mind what I was planning on doing. My mother was an incredible woman who deserved an incredible life. It was cruel to take that from her when she was only thirty-six.

I sat and waited in the graveyard until Nico found me and handed me my paints.

"What do you plan to do with these?" He asked while looked at the grave.

"I'm going to paint."

"Stop being hostile with me." Nico growled.

"Sorry," I said and pulled out my purple, green, white, and grey paints. I pulled out my best brushes and studied the space left on my mother's grave stone.

"Monique..." Nico read. "That's a beautiful name."

"It means 'alone' or 'advisor'." I informed him. "It fit her perfectly."

Nico nodded solemnly. "What are you going to paint?"

"Flowers." I responded simply and began working.

I painted until nightfall with Nico lying down next me, content with watching me paint all day. Classes were canceled midday (Thalia texted me to let me know). We wouldn't be having classes for the entire weekend while the others were away. I was sure Thalia was planning some kind of epic escape weekend trip for our little group.

I finished the painting on my mothers gravestone. I smiled at it, extremely pleased with my work.

"Finished." I smiled and glanced over to Nico to see his reaction.

"It's beautiful." He said and say up. "I'm sure she appreciates it."

I frowned. "She'll never get to see it though."

Nico shrugged. "Probably not, but who knows? Maybe Hades will show her."

{Sarah's Painting}

"Did Hades love your mom? Like, truly love her?" I asked suddenly

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"Did Hades love your mom? Like, truly love her?" I asked suddenly.

Again, Nico shrugged. "I believe he did. She was killed as a punishment to him. That must mean he cared."

"I wonder if he loved my mom like that." I mentioned wistfully. "She didn't talk about him often but when she did I could tell she really loved him...and it got her killed. Would her love be worthless if he hadn't loved her back?"

"No love is worthless." Nico assured me.

I wiped a tear from my eye and gathered my painting stuff together. "We should head back before it's dark."

Nico nodded and followed me back to the school. Even thought I was distracted by my thoughts, I had a feeling we were being watched.

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual. Hope you like it anyways!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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