24 -Nighmare-

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Daughter of Hades
Chapter 24 -Nightmare-
[Sarah's POV]
"You thought you'd escaped didn't you?"

Where was I? I couldn't see anything and I didn't know why. I couldn't identify who was speaking either-the voice seemed familiar but I couldn't place it.

"You assumed you were free, demigod?"

I shivered, that voice...it reminded me of that night...the night my mother died.

"You were wrong."

My eyes shot open and they stared into Thalia's concerned blue ones.

"Sarah, are you okay?" She asked wrapping me up in a hug. She must've seen the terror in my eyes. I realized why I knew the voice. The voice belonged to whoever killed my mother. I shook in Thalia's embrace, I couldn't get their words out of my head.

"I had a nightmare." I told Thalia.

"About what?" Thalia asked pulled away to face me. I shook my head, a clear signal I didn't want to talk about it. She sighed. "Sarah, when a demigod has a dream-"

"I know." I cut her off. I knew full well that when demigods have dreams they weren't just dreams. But I didn't want to think about that possibility. I couldn't think about it. "What time is it?"

"Umm..." Thalia glanced at the clock. "2:04 in the morning." She responded.

I groaned and stared up at the ceiling.

"Please tell me." Thalia said taking my hand. I winced when she accidentally brushed against the wound on my wrists. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I said and laced my fingers with hers. "It's just hard to talk about, I don't even remember much myself."

"So it was memory?"

"No. But I've met whoever was in it before." I explained my dream to her.

"How did your mother die?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "It's like someone blocked it from my memory but every once in a while I dream about it, the voice, the person, the blood, the...screams...I used to ignore my dreams but then they stared to connect like a puzzle and I realized they weren't just my mind being cruel, I was remembering."

Thalia was silent. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. "That sounds horrible."

I nod. "It wasn't a peaceful death, I know that much."

"My mom's dead to." Thalia said. "I never cared but at least I know how it happened...I can't imagine not knowing for so long."

I didn't respond, I just sat in silence. She kissed me again and held me closer. I smiled a little and tried to fall back asleep.

I didn't fall back to sleep.

I sat thinking until it was time to get ready. I poked Thalia's face and she opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw me and I sat up, pulling her with me. "Morning beautiful." I said making her blush.


I jumped down and changed quickly. When Thalia was ready I took her hand and went into the cafeteria.

I found Nico, Leo and Will already at our table. Nico was in between the two and he looked content. He smiled every time he looked at Will. I wondered if something happened. We sat down. Thalia sat next to me and I was next to Leo.

"So," I prompted. "What happened between you two?" I pointed at both Will and Nico with my fingers.

Nico and Will both blushed. "We kissed on the roof." Will said quietly.

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