10 -As Friends-

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[A/N: Above are pictures of what I imagine the girls to be wearing. You can imagine whatever you want to but this is what I see.]
Daughter of Hades
Chapter 10 -As Friends-
[Sarah's POV]

The door opened and the rest of the girls walked in. Thalia and I closed our mouths which both had the name of who we liked on the tip of our tongues. We hadn't broke eye contact and I knew we'd both lost the courage we'd managed to conjure up.

"Hey, guys, we're back." Annabeth said. "Wanna see what we bought?"

"Yeah." Thalia said and got up. I watched her go and stood up after her. I opened the door and left. I felt Thalia's eyes on me the whole time. I closed the door and made my way to the cafeteria for dinner. The bell rang when I was halfway there.

I pushed the doors open and sat down at my table. Nico and the rest of the boys came in a few moments later. Nico walked over to get food first. I didn't feel like eating. I was surprised to see Jason walking towards my table. Everyone else sat where they normally do.

I knew the girls would be a little late because they were all showing Thalia their dresses.

Jason sat down across from me.

"Hi..."I said suspiciously. For some reason, Jason had always unnerved me. He seemed perfect. Like there was nothing wrong with him, besides his eye sight (he had glasses). I hated perfect people, if someone didn't have flaws they were not to be trusted in my opinion.

"Hello," Jason said and took a deep breath. "So I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Thalia lately."

"I guess." I shrugged. I failed to see what his point was. I looked over at Nico and saw he'd noticed Jason. He started walking a bit faster and shrugged showing me he didn't know why he was here either. I turned back to Jason. "Why?"

"You've just been so...quiet and alone. Then all of a sudden you've caught my sisters attention. And now she's hiding things from Annabeth and Percy and even me." He said.

I felt Nico sit next to me. "That's not my fault."

"What's wrong?" Nico asked.

"I don't know." Jason said. "But Thalia has been acting weird and it started when she started talking to Sarah."

"I didn't break your sister, if that's what you're asking." I told him. "All I know is she has a crush on someone and she's a bit broken up about it. That's it."

"Do you know who she has a crush on?" He asked.


Jason stood up. "Will you tell me if she tells you anything?"

"Depends." I answered.

"Depends on what?" He asked. He sounded agitated.

"Depends on whether or not she is okay with me telling you." I told him. He scowled and left, going back to his table.

"You look startled." Nico commented and handed me a green bean. I glanced at it and laughed a little before I took it.

"I almost told Thalia I liked her."

Nico spit out his piece of steak. "What?"

I nodded staring off out the window. "Yep."

"Why would you do that?" Nico asked.

"She was going to tell me who she liked and she wanted me to tell her who I liked and there wasn't a way out." I explained and dropped my head on the table.

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