Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"What a week" I groaned, planting myself, face first, on Harry's couch.

"I know hey" he replied, sitting next to me as I made room for him. I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me. My head placed on his chest and my arms around his waist. I felt his soft lips kiss my forehead as I yawned.

The rest of camp was fun, learnt some biology crap, kitchen duty, community service, Louis tumbling down a hill, teachers dancing to Single Ladies, HARRY SHIRTLESS, Zayn throwing a tantrum over breaking his hair brush, ghost stories, Niall's secret stash of lollies in his suitcase, Liam losing his pants, death stares from Rosie, crashed in the boys' cabin for the rest of the week, Jordan and Harry checking for pens every night before bed, late nights, early mornings, tired, tired, TIRED!

I slowly fell asleep in Harry's arms, hearing the rhythmic beat of his heart. His body next to mine is truly the most amazing feeling. I love this boy, to the end of space and back. No one, I mean, NO ONE could ever replace him. I never thought one maths assignment could turn my life to this. Not one moment do I regret going for him, screw what people think... It's Harry I love.

I opened my eyes, taking in the surroundings. Harry's arms around my waist, we were spooning on his couch. I slowly moved away from his grip, trying not to wake him. I smiled as I gazed at his perfect facials. Amazing.

I heard the sound of my phone vibrate from inside my bag. Harry softly groaned, turning on his back. What a cutie. I dug for my phone and answered it. "Hey, How'd you sleep?" my best friend's voice sounded through the phone.

"Hi and great, woke up in Harry's arms. What about you?"

"Cute" Poppy answered "and I woke up to find Jordan snoring"

"Wonderful" I sarcastically replied as she giggled.

"I know" she said, "Ok... Serious time now... Revenge!"

I grinned, "oh, yes sweet revenge"

I heard Poppy evilly chuckle through the phone, "now, what shall we do?"

"Not sure, but it better be something evil my friend... Very evil"

"Evil indeed... But what?"


"How about no kisses for a week?" she suggested.

"Nah, I don't think I can stand a week without my Harry snogs" I laughed.

"Yeah, I need my Jordy kisses... How about, no sex for a month or something?"

I thought for a minute, "Wait... I think I got an idea..." I said through the phone.

Indeed I had an idea... Quite an evil idea actually... It involved embarrassment, sexual attraction and our friends' eyes. Mwahahahahaha, evil.

Poppy gave me wink from across the room as I grinned. "What movies do you have?" Louis asked as he dug through my DVD stack under my tv.

"They're pretty much all chick flicks but umm, I have White Chicks" I answered as I sat on Harry's lap.

"OH MY GOD! YOU HAVE SHE'S THE MAN! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!" Louis shrieked as he opened the case.

Harry, Ellie, Louis, Liz, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Jordan and Poppy came over to mine to watch movies tonight. Everyone had nothing to do so Poppy and I planned this, so everyone had something to do, but it also had something to do with our revenge.

"I'm back with food!" Niall announced as he came in through my front door with Liz. Everyone cheered as they ran up to him to grab their food. He sat down and took out two wraps, a burger and chicken for himself. I stared at him, how can someone that eats so much be so skinny? "What cha looking at Brockman?" he laughed as he bit his burger.

"How can you be so skinny when you eat like that?" I replied "I'm jealous"

Everyone started laughing, "well, when you're as strong as me and as tough as me, you get to eat anything you want!" he winked.

"BUT LOUIS' TOUGHER!" Louis shouted as he tackled Niall off the couch. All eyes were on them as they pretended to pound each other's faces.

Poppy signalled me that it was time to start our plan. I winked back at her with the biggest smirk among my face. I turned around to face Harry, still sitting on his lap. He gave me a smile, I returned the smile and smashed my lips against his. He was kinda surprised but he kissed me back as I deepened it. I slid my tongue inside his mouth, making him moan. Everyone went quiet, but hey, it's not the first time they've seen us make out. My left hand was tangled in his curls as my right slid underneath his shirt. I traced my finger along his abs, sending him a shiver. I opened my eyes slightly, seeing Poppy in the corner of it. She slowly got up, not breaking the kiss with Jordan, as so did I with Harry. Poppy and I led our boyfriends across the hall to two guest rooms that were next to each other. Poppy closed the door as she pushed Jordan in with her. I steered Harry and I into the room empty room next to the one Poppy and Jordan were in, not breaking the kiss. I slammed the door and pushed Harry onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

Harry's Pov

Selena pushed me onto a bed in one of her guest rooms down stairs. She straddled me as we continued to kiss, her tongue wrestling mine. She's acting a bit weird... But it's not like I'm complaining or anything! Definitely not complaining!

Her hand moved down from my chest to my stomach, then my pants. She left her hand on top of my crotch as she smiled through our kiss. I pulled her closer to me, making her moan a bit. She began to grind her hips against mine, causing my bulge to rise. Crap... She broke the kiss, leaving love bites down my neck as I gasped for air. Her hand began to rub my crotch area, her other hand on my chest. She slightly licked my neck as a moan left my mouth and I could feel myself getting harder each second. She sat up again, still straddling me as she smirked. She returned back to my lips, my tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. She gently bit my bottom lip as I moaned, the bulge in my pants massive.

I heard a hard knock against the wall. Selena jumped off me and laughed as she ran out of the room, leaving me with the biggest bulge. I tried to push it down, but it was clear through my jeans. "POPPY!" I heard Jordan scream loudly from the room next to the one I was in. I got off the bed and walked out of the room after Selena as Jordan came out of the other room, in his underwear with a bulge also. I heard everyone burst into laughter as Jordan and I stood at the door of the lounge room. What were they laughing at? Then it hit me... I put my hands over my crotch as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"REVENGE MY DEAR BOY!" Selena shouted as she continued to laugh. Louis, Liam and Liz started taking pictures as I stood there mortified. Oh shit.

Everyone settled down as Selena walked up to me and pecked my lips and hugged me. Jordan ran up to Poppy and lifted her over his shoulder and dropped her on the couch as they started to have a play fight. I laughed as so did everyone else. "Sorry baby" Selena whispered as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I guess I deserved it" I laughed. Well, it was embarrassing but I guess I did deserve it. I mean, thinking you're going to die is worse than running out of a room with a bulge. Thank you Selena... This is going to take a while to die down...

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