Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"WE'RE FINALLY HERE!" Louis and Jordan yelled in sync, kissing the ground.

"I missed you so much steady, non-moving ground!" Louis shouted as Ellie playfully kicked his bum.

"Not as much as I missed my princess..." I heard Harry mumble. I looked up at him as he blushed a bright red. I laughed at how cute he was and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his soft lips that I had missed so dearly. His arms tighten around me as we all stood in a circle.

"Finally the universe is back to normal!" Liz yelled dramatically "the couple is finally back together!"

"And like usually, eating each other's faces!" Louis added, making Harry blushed more.

"You really want me to spill don't you?" I asked.

"No! No! No! No! I'm sorry Selena! I really am! Don't tell! Please don't tell! Please oh please!" Louis whined as everyone laughed.

"I still don't want to know" Liam added innocently.

"I do!" Niall laughed as Liz playfully slapped his arm.

"Oh, so you could act it out with Liz?" I teased.

"No! Me and Niall have our own role plays, thank you very much!" Liz joked.

"Oh ok, like the teacher and the naughty student that wants good grades?" I laughed.

"No, more like the tenant who couldn't pay her rent and found another way to pay them off" she winked as everyone started laughing. Why is my best friend so weird?

"So five days in the woods... On a hill..." Poppy stated.

"Yeah, just like Friday the 13th!" Jordan joked "Jason's gonna get ya!"

"NOT EVEN FUNNY!" Poppy shouted as she jumped out of his arms. Poppy's the kind of person who loves scary movies but regrets it right after she watches it. She's a really easy to scare person and she slept a week in her sister's room after watching The Ring, such a scaredy cat. The movie she's most scared of is Friday The 13th, she hates Jason! We saw someone dress up as him on Halloween one year and she just screamed and ran down the street! It was the funniest thing! Oh my gosh! I love my friends! They're so weird in their little special ways.

"You'll be the couple that were in the middle of doing it" Louis winked.

"Gross! Having a lonely old man watch you do it!" Jordan yelled.

"Some people are lonely!" Louis remarked "Like Zayn"

"Who needs a mate when you got Varsity jackets?" Zayn joked.

"Try and not go off to find weed Zayn! Don't wanna be the first to die" I laughed.

"The man needs to give me some privacy! I mean like just totally follow me when I pee!" Zayn said making us laugh again.

We made our way to our cabins, which are separated, boys and girls. It was made out of wood, just like any typical camp cabin. Poppy freaked when she found out that the cabins had no locks and had a balcony we all shared. Ellie, Liz, Poppy and I chose cabin 3 that we had to share with four other girls from our grade. Their names are Tiana Fiddler, Ruby Roxburgh, Rosie Campbell and Belle Thompson, they are try hards. Tiana had long blonde hair that flowed past her waist, blue eyes and faint freckles. Ruby had long curly red hair, freckles, tiny bit chubby and a slut. Rosie had long brown hair that was brought up in a bun, dimples and green eyes. Belle had straight stomach length brown hair, blue eyes and clear tanned skin. It's not that I hate them, but it's just the things that go around about them don't really give them a good reputation, but who was I to judge? They were extremely nice to us for some unknown reason. They would always say hi to us when they saw us, even though we don't remember once that we've had a proper conversation with them. People say they're bitches that suck up to populars and are complete sluts. I don't really know if that's true but some of their stuff on Facebook are pretty rude.

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