Chapter 49

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Ok, so the following story is just made up ok, so don't go hating on Dannielle cause she didn't do it. It's just a story, so don't worry. The real Dannielle would never do this. Well I hope you like the story so far, vote, comment and yeah (: .xx


Chapter 49

"Greetings friends" Louis smiled, as he sat down with us at our usual cafeteria table.

"Hi Lou" Liz and I chorused at the same time.

"What cha talking about?" Louis asked.

"Prom!" Poppy shrieked.

"Of course you are Pops"

"Hey, I'm just really excited, can't blame me"

"Yes we can" Jordan joked.

Poppy playfully hit him in the arm, "no! Ok, twelve years of schooling and we finally get rewarded by the most amazing night of our lives and you blame me for being excited?"

"Yeah, pretty much" Louis answered.

"Shut up!" Poppy pouted as we all laughed.

Harry planted a kiss on my cheek as his arm held my waist, "I can't wait for prom beautiful" he whispered in my ear.

"Either baby" I smiled as he kissed my cheek again.

"What cha smiling bout Brockman?" Louis teased, "did lover boy say something sweet again?"

Harry turned bright red as I laughed, "shut up" I joked as he chuckled evilly.

"Ok then... So, who are you taking to prom Zayn?" Liz asked, tilting her head.

"Liam" Zayn joked.

Liz rolled her eyes, "no be serious"

"Um, I don't know. I'll find someone, hopefully... If not then I'm taking my mum"

"Oh Zayn, you wouldn't" Ellie laughed.

Zayn chuckled, "yeah, I wouldn't. But, hopefully I will find someone"

"Good luck" I teased as he pretended to look offended. Zayn is very mature, said no one ever. "Hey so, who are you taking?" I asked, facing towards Liam. Everyone's attention turned to him as he kept his eyes on his fingers underneath the table, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Yeah, who are you taking?" Louis asked seriously.

Liam stuttered, "I um..."

Everyone went quiet, "who are you taking?" Ellie asked again.

"I, um, I, I'm taking, um... Dani..." he mumbled.

My mouth dropped open, anger, fear, worry and confusion stuck over me. I couldn't find the words to speak. He can't! He can't take Dani! Not after what she did! No way in hell am I gonna let him get hurt again! This is complete utter bullshit! He better be joking!

No one spoke, thinking back to the memory.

Liam loved Dani... He loved her more than any man could ever love a girl. She was his everything and he treated her like a queen. He would always buy her the cutest gifts, send her the most adorable texts, hug her protectively, kiss her lovingly and was the best boyfriend anyone could ever be. He loved her... He really did. He would do anything for her, anything...

*Flash back*

"Don't worry, go have fun with Dani, Zayn and I will be fine" I laughed as Liam looked unsure.

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