Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

"Where are they?" Poppy asked with annoyance as we searched the shopping centre for Jordan and Harry.

"I don't know! Ugh, why do they always have to run off?" I groaned. The last time Poppy and I saw the two boys was when Zayn and Liam ran out of the girls toilets after accidentally walking in. After that we went into a clothing store and came back out, the boys nowhere to be seen. Ellie, Liz, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam had no idea where they were either, so we left them to continue shopping while Poppy and I tried to find the boys. That was about an hour ago, we've been searching for them since. Neither of them were answering their phones so that made everything harder. Jordan is such a bad influence on Harry.

"I AM SO FUCKING PISSED OFF RIG-" Poppy began but was cut off by the vibration of my phone. We both froze for a second, hoping it wasn't the cops or something calling to get the boys out of trouble. "ANSWER IT!" Poppy shot out gesturing my phone as I quickly clicked the answer call button.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey beautiful" my boyfriend spoke from the other side of the phone.

"Where the fuck are you? Poppy and I have been searching for you and Jordan for more than an hour!"

I heard him deeply chuckle at my answer, "sorry princess, could you and Poppy come back to mine? Jordan and I are here and want to see you two"

"Why are you at home?" I fired at him.

"THEY'RE AT HOME?" Poppy asked as her mouth dropped open.

"Uh... You'll see... Just come, we really want to see you" Harry said again.

I took a breath, "if you wanted to see us then you should've stayed!"

"I know, but you'll see why we left when you get to mine. Just come we'll be waiting and no excuses, come soon. LOVE YOU SO MUCH PRINCESS!" Harry quickly spoke.

"Harry!" I shouted into the phone, but he had already hung up. What the hell?

"What did he say? Where are they? Wait, why are they home?" Poppy queried.

"They're at Harry's and they said they wanted to see us" I answered, confused.

"What the hell... Did they say why they ran off?"

"I know hey... and no, they said we would see why when we get to Harry's"

"Uh, alright then? Should we go?" Poppy lifted her arm, pointing her thumb in the direction of the exit.

"Yeah I guess" I replied as we started our journey to Harry's.

I knocked on the door as Poppy and I stood on the porch of Harry's house. I heard a few sounds of shushing from the inside of the house before footsteps made their way towards to us. Poppy gave me a look before the door opened, revealing my boyfriend in the door way with a smirk on his face. "What the hell Harry!" I shouted as I playfully pushed his chest.

"Sorry princess" he said, kissing my cheek as he embraced me in a hug. He was wearing a plain white t shirt with black dress pants. He stood to the side, letting Poppy and I enter. "Wait in the dining room, I'll be there in a second" Harry smiled, before heading up the stairs. I nodded my head as Poppy and I walked towards the dining room. It was dark in his house, except some dim warm light from the dining room.

Poppy and I walked through the door that led into the lounge room, then both froze as we gasped. In the dining room, behind the lounge room, was a candle lit dinner set out for four. I felt arms wrap around my waist, I looked up to meet Harry's sparkling green orbs. I looked over at Poppy who had Jordan's arms around her waist. The two boys were wearing tuxedos. I focused my vision back up at Harry, he was staring at me. "This is amazing" I whispered, kissing him on the lips.

"Glad you like it" he replied as I turned around to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing another kiss to his lips. I slowly pulled away as a smiled rose on his face, displaying his precious dimples.

"Shall we eat now?" Jordan asked, placing a hand out for Poppy to grab as Harry did the same for me. I took Harry's hand as Poppy took Jordan's. Our boyfriends guided us to the well set out table. I looked at our dinner and laughed.

"Nandos?" I asked as Poppy giggled.

"Yes, because neither of us can cook" Jordan laughed. Harry softly kissed me as he pulled a chair out for me. I sat down opposite to Poppy as we both smiled to each other. I moved my gaze back to Harry as he sat down beside me.

We finished our food and sat down on the sofa in front of the tv. Harry nodded at Jordan before they both jumped up from their seats. They got down on one knee each and held their hands out to grab ours.

"Will you, Selena Abigail Brockman be my date to the prom?" Harry asked, then kissed the back of my hand.

"YES!" I shot back, tilting his chin up and kissed him.

"I love you" he smiled back and sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"I love you too" I replied. He kissed my forehead then turned his full attention to Jordan.

Jordan trembled in fear as he looked into Poppy's eyes. He reached the back of his pocket and brought out a small black box. I gasped as Poppy looked at him confused. "W-wi-will you, Poppy Rose Smith, be my date to the prom?" he asked then opened the box revealing a beautiful ring "a-and marry me?"

Poppy's mouth dropped open, "YES! YES I WILL! YES I WILL FOR BOTH!" she screamed jumping up and down as Jordan placed the ring on her hand.

"I love you so much" Jordan whispered as he hugged her tight.

"I love you too" she replied, tears streaming down her face with happiness. Harry's arms tighten around me.

"They're gonna be a happy couple" he whispered as we watched Poppy and Jordan hug in silence.

"They will" I replied back as he kissed my cheek.

Jordan may be childish and stupid at times, getting her mad, but he really does love Poppy. I am so happy for them both. Four years... Four years of dating and they're getting married! People would always doubt them and say they would never last, but they just prove them wrong. No they're not too young. They both know each other better than themselves and love each other. That's all that matters, that they are happy. I smiled and congratulated Poppy as she cried, hugging me. I really am happy for them.

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