Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Harry wrapped his arms around me as the wind blew. "Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" Louis shouted like a child as he ran to the water.

"Where's Zayn?" Liam asked me and Harry.

"Not sure, have you tried texting him?" I asked.

"Yeah but no response" Liam replied worriedly as he walked away. Hmm, where was Zayn? He should be here, maybe he's just stuck in traffic or something.

"You wanna go in the water?" Harry asked as he sweetly smiled at me.

"Yeah" I said smiling back and kissed him. Harry took his shirt off revealing his v lines and abs, I couldn't help but stare. He was just sexy! I was cut off from my gaze as Louis' scream caught my attention.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, Niall, you will pay my friend" Louis shouted in a weird pirate voice. Niall and Louis have become really good friends, which is good I guess. I looked at Niall who was already looking at me, his blue eyes bringing all the guilt back. My stomach twitched and tied knots. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Harry! I need to talk to you" I said turning back around to face him.

"What's wrong princess?" Harry asked worriedly coming closer to me for a hug.

"No" I said as I grabbed his hand, "I'm sorry Harry, you have to forgive me please" tears forming in my eyes.

"Huh?" Harry said as he softened up and stood straight letting go of my hand. I grabbed it again and held it tight.

"Harry, I love you! I love you more than anyone else in the world. You mean the world to me and you have to forgive me please..." I said as tears streamed down my cheek.

He lifted his free hand and wiped my tears away, "what is it princess?" he asked softly.

"Niall kissed me, I feel so bad... He went for it and I didn't pull away! I didn't pull away fast enough anyway... I'm sorry Harry... I love you! I really do! You mean everything to me, please forgive me..." I said through tears. Harry said nothing, I used my free hand to wipe the tears away. He let go of my hand and my heart shattered... I knew he was going to leave me...

"Of course I forgive you princess" Harry whispered softly and brought me in his arms. I felt the biggest gush of happiness rush into me. I hugged him tight as I continued to cry. I don't even know why I'm crying... I guess it's just the thought of losing Harry... "I love you too" he whispered making me clench onto him tighter.

I screamed as Harry splashed water on me. The smell of the fresh ocean relaxing me as the waves crashed against my body. I felt Harry's arms wrap around my waist from behind lifting me up. "LET ME GO!" I squealed kicking and laughing. He laughed and threw me into a wave. I stood back up, "there's sand in my nose" I said pouting. Harry laughed as he came up to me.

"Sorry princess" he said as he pecked my cheek.

I hit Harry on the arm "YOU'RE ITT!" I screamed.

"Not fair!" he shouted chasing after me as I ran, splashing the water behind me. Today was perfect. Harry forgave me and we made another great memory, playing tiggy in the water like little kids.

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