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****9 Months and a few weeks Later****
Sunday, April 4th| 7:23 am

Chris's POV
"Take deep breaths, love." I told y/n as she groaned with beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. She furrowed her eyebrows and closed her eyes shut as she felt another contraction hit. "Oh, god! I'm trying to, I'm trying!" She answered, ending her sentence with another scream. "Is she ready to push, doc?" I asked, swiftly turning around to the woman seated in front of y/n, whose legs were spread apart as she looked down. "Not quite, she's at 9 centimeters. She needs about one more." She frowned, "One more?! I don't know if I can do this." She whined as she looked back over to me. "Yes you can, bug. We're so close to seeing our baby boy." "Or girl." She lightly grinned as her contraction calmed down.

We were skeptical about not knowing the gender beforehand so we could decorate the nursery a certain way but, we just found a perfect design that was gender neutral. "It might be a little while longer before you reach 10 centimeters so, maybe you should try to distract yourselves." The doctor suggested as she looked between us. I nodded my head and shook my leg as the nerves rushed through me.

Y/N grabbed my hand and rubbed her thumb across my knuckles, "You look more nervous than me." She huffed out of breath as she lightly chuckled, "Maybe just a little." I replied smiling back at her before I felt my phone buzz several times. I quickly pulled it out and it was texts from Liz, Anthony, and Krystal although they're all sitting outside in the waiting room along with others from the crew and our family members.

Text Messages:
Lizzie: Is baby Evans here yet?! Please tell me it's a boy!
Krystal: How's Y/N? I don't hear any cursing yet which means the baby didn't come out yet. Right?
Anthony: You're naming the kid after me, I just know it. I have a very strong feeling that you are. Leave me on read if so.

I chuckled to myself as I read their texts, especially at Anthony's. He swears we're naming our child after him. "They're asking about the baby, aren't they?" She weakly asked, "Yeah, they are. But we'll let them know when we get there." I reassured her as I put away my phone and bent down beside her to squeeze her hand. " should go out there, just for the time being. You've been cooped up in here since 5 am." "And so have you, I don't want to leave your side." "I know but, you'll do no good in here if you're just standing around in a bundle of nerves, bug. All I'm saying is you could get some fresh air to clear your head and let them know what's going on." She said scanning my face for a reaction, "You amaze me. You're 9 centimeters dilated on a hospital bed and you're still concerned about me." I shook my head in amusement, "Well, can't have you passed out on the floor from anxiousness now, can we?" She joked.

"No, we cannot." I grinned before kissing her forehead, "Please let me know if anything changes." I asked the doctor as she nodded. "I'll be fine, go drink some water or something." She retorted me as I chuckled and walked out of the room and into the waiting area. The entire room was filled with our families as they stood up, staring at me with anticipation, waiting for some news.

"You left me on read, so I'm assuming the answer is yes?" Anthony asked as I shook my head amusingly, "Damn it." He mumbled to himself, "Did anything happen yet?" Y/N's mother asked as she stepped closer to me, "She's at 9 centimeters, almost there. I wanted to stay in there longer but, she advised me to get some fresh air and fill you guys in." I replied as they shook their heads, "I'm so sorry I was late, there was so much traffic around the hotel." "It's okay, Mrs Bennett. It wasn't your fault. You should come with once I go back inside, it's best that you're with her as well." I added as she frantically nodded with a smile.

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