Premiere Night

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Chris's POV
The alarm blasted on in my ear, waking me up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned before reaching over y/n to shut it off. And somehow she was still asleep. "Y/N. Doll, wake up." I mumbled, lightly shaking her awake. "10 more minutes." She mumbled back, "We can't. The makeup and hair artists are almost here. You gotta get up." I responded yet, she didn't budge. I got up and walked over to her side of the bed and tugged on her arm until she finally gave up, "Okay, okay, I'm up." She said sitting up then walking into the bathroom. The sound of the shower came on and steam slowly crept from the door as the water ran. She took about half an hour and by that time, the artists came and got started on y/n as I took my turn in the bathroom.

By the time I came out, I heard y/n speaking with the girls downstairs while they got her ready. "Babe, are you done yet?" I yelled out from the top of the steps, "Shh!" She said sliding across the floor into my view. She still had on her silky red robe but her makeup and hair was done. Even though she's not dressed, she still looked astonishing, "You're gonna wake up the baby!" She whisper shouted, "Sorry!" I whispered back while making an 'oh shoot' face. "But to answer your question, yes. She's ready to fix up your hair." She responded while coming up the steps to put on her outfit. I went downstairs and the girl quickly gave me a shape up and did whatever they did to make it look brand new. I gave them an extra tip because, why not? Once they left, I came up the steps to get ready and Y/N was already dressed and putting on her earrings

(Order of outfit: Hair, Makeup, Dress, and Heels)

(Order of outfit: Hair, Makeup, Dress, and Heels)

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