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Warnings: panic attacks, veeery steamy scene (for movie)👀🥵

Chris's POV
"Hi, yes...Um how many flowers can I send? Oh really? That's interesting. Okay yeah, do you think 4 dozen is enough? Great! Okay thank you so much. Goodbye." I just hung up the phone with a local flower shop that's in the same city as Y/N and ordered some roses to be sent to her room. My mom did say to do something romantic so, hopefully this works. A minute later, the flower shop called me back and asked what I wanted to say on the card. After pondering for a moment, I came up with something that was sincere and honest before we hung up again.

From there, I decided to just relax for awhile since Theo was at a friend's house for a play date. Without him, the house was extremely quiet. So, I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. What caught my attention was the cooking channel. "Today we are cooking a 5-course amorous meal! Pay attention viewers if you wanna do this for your significant other!" It was as if a lightbulb sparked on top of my head. Maybe this could be another romantic gesture. I ran into Y/N's office and grabbed a small notebook and pen. "I gotta write this down."

After a long 14-hour day of filming, Matt and I dragged ourselves to our rooms. He wanted to walk me to my room first to make sure I was safe before he went to his. "I wonder if my pillow is cold right now....that would be great." He murmured which made me slightly grin. I would usually laugh at him when he says things like that but my exhaustion is getting the best of me. Once we reached my room, I slid the key card into the door slot and opened it. It was dark inside and I couldn't really see so, I walked over to where I thought the switch was and tripped over something. "...Ow." I groaned, holding my knee. "Are you okay?" Matthew asked as he stood at the door where the only light showed. "Yeah. I tripped over something and I can't see, maybe I'm going blind or something."

He rolled his eyes at my comment and came into the darkness, feeling his way on the walls for the light switch. "You're not going blind." He assured me. Finally, he found them and turned them on, only to reveal that the room was full of roses. I confusedly looked around and exchanged a look with Matthew. He gave me a hand, helping me up and I examined the whole room. "How'd these get in here?" He asked, "I don't know..." I thought out loud. I looked to the counter, where the biggest vase of roses were and saw a small note that sat by it.

I picked it up and it read, "Hey bug. I know you don't want to hear from me right now, but just know that I am so sorry for everything. And I know that sorry isn't always enough but I will do any and everything in my power to make it up to you, starting now. Also, Theo is doing fine. I know you've been talking with my mom to check up on him but, I just wanted to let you know that he's talking more and more everyday. He misses you and so do I. Just know that my love for you has always been the same. Infinite. - Chris." I bit my lip anxiously as I finished reading the note and my breathing started to pick up. All of the memories started to rush back to me.

"Who are they from?" He asked rubbing his eyes tiredly. "They're....from Chris." I panted as I faced him with worry in my eyes. "Hey, hey. You're okay. Deep breaths." He said, gently grabbing me the arms. "My body's so tired, Matt." I complained in between pants. "I know, I know. But we have to get you to calm down first. Okay.....think of your happy place." ".....Happy place?" "Yeah, think of something that might make you happy right at this moment." I nodded my head and closed my eyes. Then, my mind immediately thought of my boy. I thought of me being back home, running around the house as I chased him. Fits of giggles and joy echoed throughout the house as I finally caught up with him and gave him a big hug. A smile crept onto my face as my breathing regulated and I slowly opened back up my eyes.

"Did it work?" He asked with anticipation, "It did. How did you know that it would?" "Well after the first time you had one, I searched up some ways that could help to calm you down just in case it happened again." All I could do is brighten my smile even more after he said that. He always does the sweetest things. "I'm gonna run out of thank you's by the time we're done filming this movie." I muttered as I gave him a hug. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and lowly chuckled, "Well maybe if you stop saying it, you won't run out." "Well maybe if you stop being so sweet, I won't have to." I replied with a sarcastic tone, only making him laugh again. As his laugh simmered down, he looked over at the note again and his smile faded.

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