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Chris's POV
After Y/N went upstairs, I silently cursed myself out. Why did I yell at her? I should've just gave her some time. Now I feel like I threw even more salt in the wound. I have to go back and talk with her. Before I went upstairs, I left some dinner for Dodger and walked up. I then gently knocked on the door and waited for her to open. There was some shuffling going on until she finally opened up the door, only leaving it cracked enough to see her body. I felt my heart shatter at the sight. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy but it looks like she tried to cover it up with some makeup. "Were you crying, love?" I delicately asked as I tried to scan her face for any little reaction. "No, I'm fine." She quickly stated, "What do you need, Chris?" "I wanted to say I'm sorry and I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. I just think we need to solve this. We shouldn't go to bed upset with each other-"

"And what do you think I've been doing every night since the incident?" She said interrupting me as tears built up in her eyes, "Please....don't say that." I begged her, "Don't say what Chris? That every night, I had to go to bed by myself and be left alone with my thoughts of you and Jenny possibly doing anything at any given time while I was gone? Is that what you don't want me to say? Because that's what happened....." "Y/N-" "Tell me, if I didn't walk in at the time that I did, would that kiss have not gone any further?" "No! I would never let it get that far, I love you and our family way too much for that to happen." ".....Well I can't trust you right now. I want to, I do. But I-I can't." She said whispering the last line. She bit her bottom lip in hopes of keeping it together but, I could tell she was falling apart.

"Y/N. I'm sorry." Is all I could say as my eyebrows furrowed at her sorrowful state. "I'm so sorry baby." I stated as I watched a single tear drop from her eye and down her cheek. From there, it was pure waterworks. She collapsed in my arms and I immediately caught her, caressing her back as I embraced her warmth. I haven't felt it in so long. I continued to rub up and down her spine as she let her cries out into my chest. "I want us to get better. I really do." I said, gently holding her up by her arms to look into her eyes. "I do too." She softly spoke, "But...I think we should go to couple's therapy." Therapy? I should've known it would come to this.

"Really?" "Yes. I think if we try to figure it out ourselves, this will only make it worse. And that's the opposite of what we want." "Yeah, yeah. You're right....okay. I guess I'll set it up." "Really?" She asked, looking up at me with her red puffy eyes. "Yeah. Anything for you." I promised with a warm smile. She gently sent one back and went back inside the room, closing the door behind her.

I once again sighed deeply before moving away from the door and back downstairs. I know I want to make things right, I have to. I quickly grabbed my laptop and set up a session with our current therapist.

After Chris left, I sat on the edge of the bed once again and called up Krystal. Maybe she can give me some advice. After a few rings, her voice echoed through the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Krys." "Y/N, hey. How are you doing?" "Um, I'm alright. I'm home now so.." "Oh.." "Yeah, 'oh' is right." "Did you guys talk about everything fully?" "For the most part. It's just kind of hard to trust anything he says to me, you know?" "Yeah, I get it. Does he seem like he's trying to make things better?" "Yes but....I'm still unsure if it's just an act or not." "......" "Krys?" She sighs and replies, "Yes?" "Um, why'd you pause when I said that?" "I mean...Y/N, you know your husband better than I do. But Chris never seemed like the type of guy to put on an 'act'. Ironically. But never with you at least."

"So what are you saying I should do?" "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm kind of on Chris's side." "You're on his side? What does that even mean?" I asked defensively, "Don't do that tone with me babes. You know I'd choose you over anyone on any given day but, I was actually there after everything went down and I could see the instant regret that washed over his face. He looked like a little hopeless puppy." I scoffed and answered, "And what about me? When I walked in and saw what I did, I was completely heartbroken. Shattered, even. Doesn't that mean anything?" "Of course it does. I'm not saying what he allowed to happen was right but Y/N, anyone could tell from a mile away that Chris is just not the type of guy to intentionally hurt someone. Especially not his own wife." "So what, are you saying should I just try to forgive and forget it?" I asked in a sigh.

"Listen, I'm not going to advise you to try and forget because something like this is kind of hard to. But what I will say is remember the man you decided to marry. Remember him for who he truly is and not just his mistakes." "...Alright, I'll try." "That-a girl." Krys smiled through the phone. "Thanks for the words of knowledge." I told her as a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips, "Anytime, anytime. You know I'm just smart like that." She bragged, "Oh god, I regret saying anything now." I joked as we both chucked. "I'll let you know how everything goes." "Please do." "Kk. Love you." "Love you more." She replied before she hung up.

As I took a minute to ponder on Krys' words, I took it upon myself to try to actually hear Chris out and give him a chance to express himself and learn what happened word for word. I took a deep breath and quietly crept down the steps only to find Chris knocked out on the couch with his laptop in his lap and Dodger laying peacefully asleep besides him. So much for me being open to talk, I joked to myself. I came all the way down and slowly removed the laptop from his lap, shutting it and placing it down on the table. Then I grabbed our throw over blanket and gently placed it over him.

As I backed away, I took in the sight and examined the new piece of furniture the two slept on. Maybe he really was sincere this whole time. "He really bought a brand new couch." I silently said to myself with a small grin. I then dimmed the lights and whispered good night before going back upstairs to fall asleep as well.

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