Nice To Meet You

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"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Matthew." He said while giving me his hand, "I'm y/n. Well, I'm pretty sure you already knew that." I replied shaking his hand as he lightly chuckled, "Yeah, I kind of already heard of you before Shemar started fangirling about you once you first joined the show." He answered, making Shemar roll his eyes and me chuckle, "All good things, I hope." "Yeah, of course. Besides things coming from him, I've just seen your movies and you're an incredible actress." "Aw, thank you so much. You're an incredible actor as well, I started watching Criminal Minds once Shemar begged me to and it amazes me how you get to memorize your lines. Being Spencer Reid must've been a piece." I joked causing him to laugh again. If a laugh could be contagious, I would've definitely caught a cold.

"It definitely was. There were a lot of sleepless nights and bloopers of me cursing myself out from messing up." "I could imagine." I grinned, "Yeah well, pretty boy here just decided to fly in and watch us film for the day so, I wanted to show him around before we start up again. I'll see you in a bit." Shemar smiled before patting Matthew's shoulder to follow him as he walked off. I nodded and looked back to Matthew, "It was nice meeting you." He half smiled, "Nice meeting you too." I replied as I watched him catch up with Shemar, "Nice socks!" I yelled out with a smirk as he looked down to the mix match ones he was wearing, "Thanks!" He shouted back before turning back again.

When the break ended, we spent the next few hours finishing up the episode. "And that's a wrap for the season, guys! Great job everyone!" Everyone cheered and clapped hearing the news, "We'll be taking a big break for now and we'll contact you when it's time to start up the next season. But for now, we're done!" The cast along with the extras and staff all hugged and started up conversations as they packed up. I went back to my dressing room and changed back into the clothes I wore earlier and came out. I said my goodbyes and went on my way home, it was only 2:30 so, it was still early in the day. Just as I was about to play some music, the car screen displayed the name "Kelly". Oh boy, I just know it's about a new role. It's like she's secretly watching me or something.

"Hello?" "Y/N, my sweet! How are you? How's Chris? Theo?" "We're all good, how are you?" "Oh, I'm just fabulous! And I have a surprise for youuuu!" She sang, "And what is that, Kells?" "A new role!" She exclaimed as I stopped at a red light. "I know you just finished up your season of S.W.A.T. so, are you free to do a brand new movie that's calling your name?" She asked while I lightly chuckled, "What's it called?" I asked, "It's called 'If The World was Ending'. It's about a woman who was in a toxic relationship and she ends up leaving. Little does she know, her best friend ends up being her lover. I would tell you more but, I think it'd be better if you came down to L.A. to audition first to see if you like it." "Mmm, I don't know, Kells. I don't want to leave Chris and Theo." "I know hun but, it's been so long since you've gotten out and done different roles. I know you want to stay near the family but, you have to start getting back out there."

I hate to say it but, she's right. After the last movie I've done, I haven't acted in anything else besides the show I'm on now. "You're right. Okay, let me just talk with Chris about it and I'll get back to you." "That-a girl! Give the boys my love! Tootles!" She replied before hanging up. Seems like I might have a new movie to film. Let me call Chris to see where he is.

Chris's POV
"Oh, god that's terrible." I groaned while changing Theo's diaper in the back of my car, "We have got to stop feeding you so much yogurt because this is just awful." I commented while grabbing more wipes from the baby bag and wiping his butt. I wrapped the dirty diaper and grabbed a new one, just as I was about to put it on, my phone rang. I took a wipe to clean my hands and pulled out my phone and saw Y/N's name pop up, "Hey love, how did your day go?" "It was great, I met some new people and we did a cliff hanger for the last episode so, it was pretty exciting. How was yours? How's the baby?" "I'm glad to hear and mine was good too. I got my suit and as soon as we got to the car, Theo did a huge number two. So, I'm currently changing him in the back of the car."

"Good thing I packed the bag, huh?" I smirked, "Yes, it is." I admitted, "How bad was the paparazzi today? Did you guys have lunch?" "It wasn't too bad, Theo actually posed for the cameras this time. And yeah, we both ate-" I was cut off by Theo starting to pee on my shirt, "Oh, no! Theo!" I gasped, quickly grabbing more wipes to block him, "What's wrong? What happened?" Y/N asked worriedly, "He just peed on my shirt and on the seats, I-I'll call you back, babe." I said before pressing the end button. I put on the clean diaper and buckled him back into his car seat so I could clean the seats and throw out the dirty stuff. I then got back in the driver's seat and looked back at him through the rear view mirror where he was evilly smiling at me, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I chuckled before driving back home.

I strapped Theo down in his chair in front of the tv as it played Daniel Tiger and quickly ran up the steps to grab a new shirt and came back down. He was in the middle of singing a song, it was more gibberish but, still cute. I then took off my shirt, went to the kitchen to warm up some milk, and gave it to him. It was about time for a nap so, his milk and cocomelon was a perfect combination for sleep. After a few minutes of him drinking and watching, he started to doze off so, I thought I might as well put in a workout. I set up a bar attached to the frame of the door around the time we moved in so, I started to do some pull-ups. After about 15 minutes, I heard the door close. I swiftly dropped down and turned to see y/n by the door staring me down with a smirk.

"Please, don't stop on my account." She grinned, putting down her bag and keys as I playfully rolled my eyes and walked up to her and pecked her lips. "Quite the show you're putting on." She grinned, inching towards me with her hand on my chest, "Well, I thought I'd do a little workout while Theo took a nap. He didn't sleep all day-" "Which means he'll be out all afternoon?" She asked perking up an eyebrow before connecting our lips, "Correct. What do you have in mind?" I asked, slowly gliding my hands up her shirt, "How about I put Theo in bed and when I come back, I'll show you?" She said before she bit her lip and gently grabbed him and walked up the steps. Coming back down, she put the baby monitor on the coffee table and ran towards me in a jump as I caught her.

She wrapped her legs and arms around me, smashing her lips against mine while running her fingers through my hair. "I was thinking we could do something we haven't done since we've moved in." She said, breaking away from the kiss and getting back down, "And what's that?" I asked. She grinned and got closer towards my ear, "Remember how we wanted to.....ya know, try doing it in the kitchen?" I raised my eyebrows in shock and asked with a smirk, "Is it that time?" She nodded quickly in response, taking off her shirt and throwing it on the floor as I put her down and unbuckled my pants. Picking her back up, I placed her on the kitchen island and just as I kissed her again, the door bell rung. We broke from the kiss and both replied, "Shit." "Maybe it's a package or something. Let's just ignore it." I suggested before we continued.

The door bell rung again which followed with several knocks on the door. We both groaned and I laid my head against her chest, "Why can't they let me have sex with my wife?". She lifted my head and pecked my lips, "Let's just hurry up and see who it is so we can keep going." She snickered before putting her shirt back on and handing me mine as I put it on. While walking to quickly check the monitor, there was more knocking which irritated the both of us. "Alright, I'm coming!" She shouted as I caught up with her. She opened the door and both of our faces of annoyance dropped. "Jenny?"

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