Leave Me

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Krystal's POV

Monday, April 6th | 7:45 pm

"Do you think he'll want to talk to me?" I asked y/n as she stopped at a red light. "He will. All you have to do is talk to him." She reassured me. I shook my leg while looking out the window and slowly ran my hand down my face. He probably hates me! After what I did, I'd hate me too. And why the hell am I bouncing my leg? God, I swear Y/N's nerves are rubbing off on me. "It'll be fine, just breathe." I did as she told me and took a deep breath. I've been taking a lot of those lately. A moment later, we were parked in front of her home. We both got out and I grabbed my suitcase. As we walked up to the door, I could literally hear my heart beating faster by the second. My stomach was churning and I bit my lip as she finally opened the door. The house looked empty, maybe he left.

"Chris? You home?" She yelled out as we walked further in, "You're finally here! Chris forgot to drop off Theo's pajamas." Sebastian yelled from upstairs as he ran down. Oh god, I missed hearing his voice. It was like honey to my ears, I could already feel my knees going weak. "I was wondering when-" His smile faded as he stood there on the steps, it looked like a million things were going through his head. "I'll um, let you guys talk." Y/N said as she passed by Sebastian to go upstairs. "Hi." I squeaked while still holding onto my suitcase for dear life, "Hi." He replied as he came down the steps and stood a few feet away. We were just staring at each other for what felt like years, and I couldn't tell if he was angry or just disappointed.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked with sorrowful eyes. I sighed and looked down in attempt to avoid those sparkling blues. It pains me to see them full of agony. "I...I had to figure some things out." "Okay, I get that....I just don't get why you couldn't tell me that, instead you left me a note. Did I do something wrong? I get if you don't want to marry me-" "That's not true, I would do anything to be with you." "So, why'd you say no?" He asked. The tears were now spilling down his face and he didn't try to wipe them away like usual. It's not like he was afraid of crying in front of people but, he often had a hard time trying to show his emotions. Even in front me sometimes, he would hate to show it. So the fact that he's open enough to cry right now......I know I've messed up. "Do you know how much it hurt to wake up and not get bombarded with your kisses each morning?" He asked.

"I was scared." "Scared of what, me? Because again, I know I'm messed up-" "Oh my god, Seb. Stop blaming yourself. This is all on me, baby. Not you. I'm the messed up one." I explained. And I guess I'm crying now because he wiped his thumb from under my eyes and cupped my face as I felt myself deteriorating in his embrace. "I'm so sorry. Why the fuck am I the one crying!" I whisper shouted to myself as I sniffled and wiped my face, trying to pull myself together. "Do you still love me?" He asked unsurely, I quickly looked up at him and nodded frantically as I cupped his face, "I always did. I never stopped, okay? I'm in love with you, Seb. Nothing will ever change that." I reassured him while gazing at his eyes, scanning for some type of reaction. But no words were spoken. He just wrapped his arms around me, ever so tightly, and I did the same around his neck as he buried his face into my shoulder.

"You're such an asshole." He whined as he rubbed my back. I lightly chuckled and sighed, "I know." That's what I love about us, we have the type of relationship where we can call each other an asshole and not get offended. Even though I did deserve to be called that. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too." After staying in that position for a few minutes, we separated and sat down so I could explain what was going on. And I told him everything. I talked about Adrian, my fear of the publicity, and my commitment issues. Once I told him that, he felt like the one who was the jerk but, I explained he had no way of knowing all of the stuff I was bottling in. So, we made up and I agreed to never do that again. After awhile, we were just catching up on what I've missed and talked about how much Theo grew up.

"I hear laughter and happiness so, I could come downstairs now. Right?" Y/N yelled from the top of the steps, "Yes, you can come down." Sebastian laughed. She came down with a huge smile and awed as she saw us snuggled up next to each other once again, "Yay! You guys made up! No more crying!" She cheered. We laughed as she sat down and scrolled through her phone, "Well this is definitely something to be celebrating so, food's on me. I'm starving." "Oh, me too." Sebastian added. We talked for a few minutes to figure out what to eat and that's when Chris walked through the door. "I'm guessing you guys made up?" He questioned as he perked an eyebrow, "Yes, we did." I answered as a smile soon took over both of our faces. He kissed Y/N and came over to hug me. "I'm glad." He admitted.

"So, where is my godson anyways?" "He's at his my mom's for the night." Chris responded and I groaned, "But I wanna see himmm." I whined with a  pouted lip and my arms crossed. "Well, you can see him when we go get him in the morning." Y/N grinned, "Oh, no. Now that me and Seb are good. We could just book a place for the night, right Bubba?" I asked as I placed a hand on his thigh, "Yeah guys, I already came here without an invitation and it would be rude to-" "Seb. Stop it. You guys are our family, I don't know how many times I have to say it." Y/N replied, cutting him off. "Yeah, you guys can stay the night or even longer if you need to. And Theo's not here so, you don't have to worry about any late night crying." Chris joked. We thanked them like 100 times and ended up ordering Thai.

After we ate, we talked for a few hours then, we went into our separate rooms. Sebastian walked in first and as soon as I walked in, I closed the door and jumped on him. Colliding our lips together as he caught me, he ran his fingers through my hair. "God, I missed this." He said breaking from the kiss, "I missed you." He said kissing me again, "I missed that." He chuckled lowly as he lowered his hands to my ass, making me chuckle too. "Why don't you show me how much you missed me?" He smirked at my question and laid me down on the bed. 4 weeks is wayyy too long.

"Thank god they made up." Chris sighed as he fell face front into bed. "I know right. I'm just glad it's over." "Yeah....how did that audition go?" "It was good, they said they'd let me know what their decision was soon." I replied as I laid beside him. He adjusted himself so that he was faced in front of me and pushed back a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed me, "Well I'm glad." He slowly spoke while he gazed at me, "Are you eye f-ing me?" I smirked, "Maybe. Is there a problem with that?" "No, I just think that you should actually do it." He raised his eyebrows while his mouth was agape, "I like the way you're thinking, Mrs Evans." He smirked before getting on top of me and ripping his shirt off as did I, "Just so you know, I find it so cute that you don't want to say fuc-" "Shut up and have sex with me." I said rolling my eyes before he chuckled and started to unbuckle his pants.

As my impatience grew larger by the second, I pulled him down by his neck and clashed our lips together. Suddenly, there was this knocking. We both paused and furrowed our eyebrows in confusion, "You hear that right?" "Yeah, what is that?" He muttered to himself as we kept quiet to hear the sound again. The knocking sound got louder with each time and Chris and I looked back at each other exchanging more confusing looks. As I was about to speak, that's when I heard the most unholiest moan in my life and I gasped as my eyes widened. I covered my mouth in realization as did Chris and we both covered our ears. "Oh, god. I don't wanna hear this." Chris groaned, "Neither do I!" "Come on!" He shouted as he took my hand, quickly grabbing a pillow and blanket and we ran down the steps, trying to avoid hearing anything.

We went all the way downstairs in the basement which was sort of Chris's man cave, and shut the door. It had everything a guy could dream of. A black leather couch, a mini fridge, a flat screen tv, a PlayStation with hundreds of games, the whole nine. We both sighed in relief and plopped down on the couch. "Okay, that was gross." I groaned, "And I'm suddenly not in the mood." He sighed. "Same. Can we just watch tv until we sleep?" "Yes, please." We turned on the tv and cuddled up. Then we watched random shows until we were knocked out.

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