Movie Crew

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"Meet your new movie crew! You guys can introduce yourselves." He smiled while pulling out a seat for me and I thanked him. Before everyone started, I already noticed a couple of people. There was Zoe Saldana, Henry Cavil, Theo James, and of course Matthew. This is definitely gonna be a huge movie. They all greeted me and we sat down along with the producers, screen writers, and the director. "Alright. Welcome cast! Just want to let you know in advance that we'll be filming in a couple of different locations. Starting here in L.A., New York, then Greece." The room ooed at the last location and continued to listen in, "Yes, I know. Greece will definitely be one of the best ones to visit. Moving on, I'll just sum up how the movie will be, if you didn't already know."

Paul then explained the plot, which was Sydney aka me, being in a toxic relationship with Calvin aka Henry. I have a friend group that I'll be meeting a couple times within the movie which is Zoe (Alicia), Theo (Mark), and Matthew (Grayson). The plot of the movie is basically me breaking up with Calvin, going through some heartbreak, then, going on a trip (turned romantic) with my closest friend, Grayson. We readout the first couple scenes and then took a small break. So, I talked with Zoe and Henry for a bit, who were so nice and I walked around before getting a text from Chris. "Hope everything's going well. Call us when you get back to your temporary home. Miss you already." The text wrote with a picture of a smiley Chris and Theo, which made my heart swell.

I widely smiled to myself and texted back, "I will. And I miss you guys too, so much." Looking up from my phone, I saw Matthew struggling to carry the obsessive amount of muffins, raisin bagels, and snacks that were toppled over another within his hands. I shook my head to myself and ran over to him, catching a few muffins that fell just in time before they dropped to the ground. "Hungry?" You chuckled, "Not really but, I feel like the food is always wasted so I might as well put them in my trailer for later." "Smart." You grinned, "Do you want me to help you bring it over?" "Yeah that would be great."

We both walked out and I followed him as he led the way. "So since we're gonna be on-screen lovers, wanna get to know each other?" He jokingly asked while we walked into the lot. "Sure." I giggled, "Where are you from?" "Las Vegas. You?" "Brooklyn. And wow, so I'm guessing you're pretty good in casinos?" "I don't wanna brag but, maybe a little." He joked which made me chuckle, "Where'd you go for college?" He asked, "Juilliard. And you?" "I went to the Las Vegas Academy of the arts then I transferred to NYU." "No way! You were a NYU baby?! Wow. I would've gone there but, I didn't get enough scholarship money for it. What was it like?!" I excitedly asked, "Definitely hard but, worth it." He smiled.

We finally reached his trailer and he opened the door, allowing me to go in first. It was already decorated with a couple of stacked books, pictures of his CM family and parents, drawings of this little green guy with a banana on his head, and so much more. "I see you've already decorated." I said as I entered, scanning around. "Yeah, I like to get on set a little early and claim my territory a bit. What about you? Do you decorate your trailer?" He said, plopping all the treats into this woven basket he had. "Just a little. Just pictures of my son and husband, along with my Marvel family and real family." You laughed.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget about the biggest wedding in history besides for when it's a Royal thing?" He chuckled as he took the snacks from you as well. "It was pretty big." You admitted. "But it was beautiful, don't get me wrong." He stated in defense which made you giggle even more, "It's fine. Anyways, what are these drawings I see?" You asked. He then started to explain the green guy named Rumple Buttercup and how he created a book for people to teach them that it's okay to be themselves and to be weird. Which I thought was amazing. Not a lot of people today like to embrace their weirdness so, it's wonderful that he made something to keep that as a reminder.

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