She's Pissed

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Chris's POV
"That....was......awesome." I breathed out as Y/N and I both laid across her desk that was big enough for the both of us. She chuckled, got up and she threw my clothes onto my chest. "We just had sex on my work desk and you called it awesome?" She questioned as she wrapped her robe around her. "What would you call it then?" I asked as I turned to her, "Spectacular." She giggled as she stood by the door frame. I chuckled at her answer and put my pants and shirt back on, "I'm gonna go take a bath." "Okay, yeah that's fine." I replied as she began to walk out, "And you're gonna join me." Her voice echoed through the house. "Yup, that sounds better." I smirked to myself as I followed.

****10 Minutes Later****

"This is great." She whispered, "It is." I replied as I rubbed her shoulders. "Remember when I said I wanted to get those tattoos?" I asked, "...Yes? Even though I was half-asleep." "Yeah well since you're home, I was planning to go down to the parlor and I wanted you to come with." "Oh my god, I would love to! I was actually thinking about getting one myself." "Really? What would you want to get?" "I'm not sure what I want it to say but, I want one that goes down my back." "Oh, that's so cool babe. That'll look hot on you." I smirked as she turned to face me and rolled her eyes, "But what about you? When you have movies, won't they have to cover them all up?"

"I think the hours of makeup is worth having you and Theo permanently with me wherever I go." She cutely pouted and placed a kiss on my lips, "Mommy?" Theo's little voice spoke as he stood at the door with his teddy bear in hand, "Speak of the devil." I chuckled, "Hi baby, what are you doing up?" She sweetly asked as he walked towards the tub, "And how did he get out?!" She whisper shouted while glaring at me in concern, "While you were gone, I lowered the bar on one side of his crib so that he could come sleep in our bed with me if he wanted to." "Aww, okay. Well, let's get you a bottle and back to bed you go little guy." She said turning back to Theo as she got out and wrapped a towel around her.

She took his hand and walked off into the hall. I sighed in satisfaction before getting out myself and getting dressed. After laying in bed for a few minutes, she jumped in bed and immediately snuggled up next to me. I traced my fingers against her back as she quickly fell asleep.

As morning came by with y/n still in bed, I checked on Theo then, quickly threw on some clothes and went for a jog while walking with Dodger. We got back inside and I gave him some food before washing up and getting ready for the day. Since y/n's been working so hard, I wanted to make a big breakfast for her before we had to go get our tattoos done. So, I made her an omelette and pancakes (syrup on the side) with freshly cut strawberries and bananas. I also made some for Theo with some apple juice in his bottle. Hearing quick steps go down the stairs, I poured out a cup of orange juice.

"Good morning!" I smiled as I saw y/n with Theo on her hip. They yawned and did their identical nose scrunch before they both replied with small grins. "Morning babe." She answered, reaching on her tip toes to give me a kiss. "What's all this?" She grinned while walking around the table, "I made you breakfast because you deserve it. And I don't want to hear any objections!" I swiftly told her before she could complain about how this is too much. She shook her head and laughed at my reply before putting Theo in his high chair. I pulled out a chair for her and she sat, thanking me as she pulled herself in.

I cut up Theo's food and gave it to him before sitting down myself and enjoying the breakfast as we spoke about how the filming was going for her. Afterwards, y/n and Theo got ready. We called the sitter to watch Theo for awhile and we made our way out. "Did you figure out what you wanted your tattoo to say?" "Yeah, let me show you." She said pulling out her phone.

" She said pulling out her phone

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"Wow." "It's cool right?" "Yeah, it is. Just don't be surprised if I'm very touchy before you go." I chuckled as she shook her head. We finally got to the parlor and I decided to go first. As I got seated and the tattoo artist started, I could just see the panic that explored through her eyes. "I forgot to think about how this is going to hurt." She nervously smiled, I chuckled and replied, "Don't worry, I'll be right there with you." She grinned at my reply and sat beside me, holding my hand.

Hours passed by and both my arms were done, which meant that y/n was next. "They look amazing." She said as she lightly brushed her hand against my forearms. "Thank you babe, now it's your turn." She hesitantly nodded and the tattoo artist asked her to remove her shirt and gave her something to cover her chest. She took it and went to the bathroom to quickly change before coming back out and laying on the table. I sat on the opposite side of the artist, John, and took y/n's hand in mine.

"Are you ready for me to start?" He asked. She nodded and squeezed my hand as I heard the buzzing commence. As the stencil went across her skin, she tightly closed her eyes. "Shit!" She screamed, "I thought you didn't curse?" I smirked, "Oh, shut up." She whined which caused me to chuckle. After half an hour, she started to get used to the stinging feeling and she was less tense. I engaged in a conversation with her to get her distracted and next thing you know, it was done. "All done!" "Wait, really?" Y/N asked doubtfully as she turned to me for confirmation. "Yeah, love." I smiled. "Can I see?" She asked excitedly, "Of course, go look." I confirmed.

She held her chest with both arms before walking over to the long mirror that was close by and turned a bit as she saw the brand new design on her back. "I love it!!" She squealed. "I'm so glad you do!" John smiled. She laid back down so he could apply the vaseline and wrap. Then, she put her top back on and we both paid and thanked him before walking out. "So, what do you want to do now?" "How about we get some food cream?" She asked, "Sounds great." I grinned.

And for the past few days, that's what we've been doing. Just spending the time together that we've missed on for the month that went by. From going on a couple date nights at fancy restaurants to staying in and having movie nights with Theo and Dodger. This week was a complete dream and it sucks that she has to go already. And to make tonight special before she leaves tomorrow, my mom agreed to take Theo for the night so I could take y/n out one last time before she goes. Since I was already dressed, I just dropped him off and quickly drove back home. When I came back inside, I heard a loud gasp from upstairs.

"Y/N?" I shouted out, "Chris, come up here right now!" She yelled. As anxiousness coursed through my body, I quickly ran upstairs and into our room where she stood dressed in a black silk dress that hugged her body, with her back facing towards me. Her dress was backless, which showed off her tattoo."Babe, what's wrong?!" I asked, trying to catch my breath. "What...the fuck is this?" She asked. Oh no, she cursed. Okay, this is bad. She slowly turned around, holding the pistol I bought almost two months ago in her hand with her head tilted. Damn, she's pissed.

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