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Chris's POV
"What....the fuck is this?" She asked holding the pistol in her hand. I'd be so turned on right now if it wasn't for the fact that I was in trouble. Even though I still kind of am. "" "" She said mocking me, "Why is there a damn gun in the house?!" She asked furiously as she waited for me to answer, "Uh, you look very nice love." I winced, trying to change the subject, "Chris, I swear to god!" She exclaimed as she pinched the bridge of her nose before placing the gun back down on the nightstand. "Okay, yes I bought a gun! I don't really see what the problem is!" I said a bit annoyed as I walked off into the hall.

As I walked off, I began to hear the click of heels following me, "You don't see what the problem is? Really?!" "Yes, really!" I shouted back without looking back at her, "Well, let me inform you since you seem to have lost your sense! First off, did you even think about Theo?" She asked as she followed me down the steps, "You know that Theo's starting to get at that age where he's wandering everywhere and picking up anything!" "Don't you think I know that?! I've been the one here with him while you were gone!" I yelled, turning towards her. She stood there with a pinch of hurt in her eyes, although her face said otherwise. I shouldn't have said that.

"What would you have done if Theo found it?!" "I would have never put it somewhere Theo would find it! That's why it was in the locked drawer!" I yelled, passing a hand over my face, "Okay, and why didn't you at least tell me!" "Because you didn't need to know!" "Oh, so now we're keeping secrets?" She asked as I once again, ignored her. "You don't think that if there's a weapon that could take a life, is in the house, I don't need to know?!" "God, y/n! Can you please just drop it?!" I sighed, plopping down on the couch. She stood there at the base of the steps with the most blank yet exasperated face I've ever seen, staring me down.

She slowly took off her earrings and heels one by one, "What are you doing?" I sighed, "We're not going out." "And why is that?" I asked as I sat back, watching her walk towards me, "Because you need to drop the 'tude and tell me what the hell this is really about!" I wanted to answer her and tell the truth but, that would mean that she would know the real reason behind why I bought it. So, I just kept quiet. She silently nodded her head and scoffed with a laugh, "Alright since you wanna act like that, you can sleep down here tonight." She commented as she started to walk back upstairs, "Y/N, come on!" I whined as I finally heard the door of our room slam shut.

I sighed as I realized I messed up. For a few minutes, I contemplated with myself on how to gain her forgiveness, even though that was going to be a hard task. Suddenly, I heard the door open once again and I stood to my feet. "Y/N?" I asked, hoping for a reply, only to be met with two pillows being thrown down the steps for me. A blanket soon followed and I heard the door close again. "Shit." I sighed to myself. I took off my dress shoes and suit jacket before grabbing the pillows and getting myself comfortable on the couch. I could've just went downstairs but, I didn't want to be too far away in case she comes back down.

Dodger, who was sitting in his bed, came walking towards me. "Are you at least gonna spend the night with me, Bubba?" I asked in hope that he would stay. He barked at me which caused me to furrow my eyebrows and he ran upstairs. I could hear him clawing at the door to come in the room and it opened and closed for the last time of the night. What did I expect? Of course he was going to be on her side. If only they knew why I did what I did. I started to spam text her that I'm sorry but she didn't even open the messages. I would at least have thought that she would leave me on read but, all it said was delivered.

Eventually I gave up and decided to just wake up before she has to leave and apologize so, I turned on the tv to occupy myself. And before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

To get comfortable, I washed my makeup off and changed into some pajamas. I looked back at the nightstand where the gun laid and quickly tucked it back into the drawer, locking it up. I really can't believe he kept that from me. Chris has never lied to me as far as I know and now this makes me think of if he's done it more than once. I shook my head to myself and got in bed, where Dodger was already laying. I pet him as he whined and placed a kiss on his head. "I know, daddy's acting weird." I turned my attention to the 30 text messages that Chris sent as most of them read, "Can we talk?" "I'm sorry." "Please let me come up to you.".

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