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DISCLAIMER: I will start to talk about Jenny a little more throughout the story but please do not feel some type of way towards her in real life!!

Before getting on the flight, Chris called and spoke with me for a bit. Although Theo wasn't awake yet, he let me blow a kiss to him before wishing me a safe flight. Matt and I met up with the rest of the cast as a few fans came up to us, asking for photos and drawings from MG, which was so cute. They absolutely adored him and he was so kind. He was actually interested in what they had to say, which you don't get to see everyday with actors. So, it was a heartwarming thing to see. Afterwards, we finally boarded the plane. I scanned the aisles for my seat as I looked down at my ticket. "24C." I whispered to myself.

"Here it is." I smiled as I picked up my carryon and tried to lift it up to the overhead bin but, found it quite difficult. "I gotcha." Matthew said as he took it from my hands and put it inside. "You're in this aisle?" He asked, gesturing to the aisle in front of me, "Yeah! What's your seat number?" "23C." "Wow. That's a coincidence. 24c." I grinned while raising my eyebrows as we sat down in our seats. "Well I hope you won't mind." He replied, "Why would I mind?" "Oh, maybe because I will be annoying you for the next 5 hours." He sarcastically smiled, "Why did I even ask?" I face calmed myself, resulting with a laugh from Matthew.

Three hours into the flight, Matthew tried to adjust himself and placed a neck pillow around him with a sleeping mask. He looked really uncomfortable since his legs are super long and all. "You good?" "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I'm secretly a leprechaun in a pipe cleaner with eyes' body. Who knows?" "You are so weird." I giggled. "In a good way." I added, "I know." He smirked. I looked down at his legs and once again noticed his crazy purple and forest green socks, "Why the mix match socks, may I ask?" I questioned.

He lifted his eye mask and placed both hands on his neck pillow, "Bad luck." He answered sliding the mask back down, "Umm, I'm wearing the same colored socks and I'm fine." "Weren't you the one who woke up late this morning? And bumped into me and fell the first day of filming? And-" "Okay, okay. I get it." I stated as I raised my hands up in surrender. "Wearing the same colored socks are a curse I tell you. A curse!" He said, saying the last line with a spooky voice. I shook my head and chuckled before getting comfortable as well and falling asleep.

Chris's POV
After that call with y/n, Theo started to wake up so I gave him some breakfast. Then, I strapped him into his stroller and took Dodger for a walk. Once we got back, it had just started to rain so thank goodness I left when I did. I fed Dodge and spent some time playing with Theo in his room. "Daddy, here." He said perfectly clear while handing me his dinosaur mask. "You. Dinosaur." He told me. I smiled and asked, "You want daddy to be the dinosaur? I thought you liked being the dinosaur?" "No! Yew dinosaur daddy." He exclaimed as I raised my hands up in defense, "Okay." I put the mask over my head, "I'm gonna get you and eat you for lunch!! Roar!!" I screamed as I chased Theo around, who was laughing deliriously.

10 minutes passed by and I was already getting tired, boy is he getting faster by the minute. I fake collapsed to the ground, took off the mask, and surrendered, "Okay, you win Theo. Daddy's tired." I admitted, out of breath. "No daddy! Play." He stomped angrily as he looked down at my from above. "How about I give you some animal crackers and let you watch Super Why?" I offered, which he happily agreed to. "Good choice." I chuckled as I got up and brought him downstairs. I put him in his chair and gave him his animal crackers and put on his show.

Once I was done with that, I reached to grab my phone in my pockets but, it wasn't in there. Must've left it upstairs. Just as I was about to go up to find it, there was a knock at the door. I sighed, hoping it wasn't another mysterious package or note again. I walked to the door and opened it only to see, "Jenny?" I questioned. What is she doing here....again? She was standing at the door, soaked in rain with tears flowing down her face and her arms hugging her body. "Hi Chris." She sniffled. Oh shit, maybe she's not just here to fuck with y/n. Because that was definitely my first guess.

"Hey, what's wrong?" "I....I just got broken up with." "Oh." I replied. "That's....horrible. I'm sorry." That was a surprise, I didn't even know she was dating again. "Yeah, um. I'm sorry I came so unexpectedly again." She said before coughing from the coldness. Damn it, I can't just leave her out here to get sick. I looked back at Theo who was minding his business and back at Jenny, "Uh, why won't you come in? It's freezing out here." I offered as she thanked me and came inside. "Let me grab you a towel." I told her and walked to the gym room we had on the same floor. Walking back, I gave it to her and watched as she wrapped it around her cold shivering body. "Thank you." "Have a seat."

As she sat down, I put up the heat a bit so she could get warm and I sat on the couch closer towards Theo. "Again, I'm so sorry I just came here like this. I just didn't know who to come to. All my close friends are nowhere near here and I really just need one of those right about now." She confessed. "Yeah, I totally get it. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" "Well, I've been going out with this guy for awhile and things started to get serious. But because I've been filming for a new show, I've been out of town and that sparked some arguments." She nervously chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Jen. Did it just happen?" "Yup. Good ole' dump over text." "Ouch." I frowned, "Yeah. Well, guess that's what happens when you're in this show biz." She responded. God, this is awkward. "More!" Theo demanded as he handed me his empty animal crackers wrapper. "What's the magic word, buddy?" "Pwease daddy." He begged while doing his best puppy eyes, "Aww, who's this over here?" Jenny grinned as she got closer to us, "This is Theo. Say hi." I told him. But instead, he just waved. "He is too cute!" She said pinching his cheek. I thanked her and went to the kitchen to grab another pack of crackers for Theo and gave it to him.

"Where's y/n?" She asked, looking around, "Oh, she's filming a new movie so she's in New York right now." "Oh no, is she alright?" She questioned genuinely, "Yeah, I called her before she left and she seemed fine. She's strong, I know she'll get through it." "That's so sweet." She commented as she laid a hand on my arm. After a few minutes, we just started talking about everything and got back to that friend energy that we haven't had in a long time. Maybe it's possible that she's changed. She seemed honestly concerned about y/n and her going back to New York. So, would it be so bad if we were friends again?

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