Into The Village

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Chris's POV
All I can think to myself is: Why did I let it get this far? I should've seen the signs, the little kind gestures she did for me. I should've seen this coming. She did all this just to warm up to me and she basically used Theo as a pawn. Why was I so blind to her schemes? When I finally made it to my mom's house, it took me a minute before I could even approach the door. She probably already knows everything. I finally pulled out the keys, which I still have to her house, and opened the door. "Ma? It's me." I yelled out so she wouldn't be startled. Soon enough, I saw Theo come running towards me from the kitchen with a grin as my mom followed. I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding and dropped down to my knees to hug him.

"Oh my god. Hey champ, I missed you. So much." I sighed, closing my eyes. He hugged me back and I got back up to my mother's eye level. "Hey ma." I said, kissing her on the cheek. "Hello." She simply replied. "Aw man. Not even a 'Hi, dear' or 'son'?" "I would but I have a feeling that I shouldn't give you as much sweetness as I normally do, considering your circumstances." She said before sipping some water. "So I'm guessing you know already?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, "I know of the situation but I don't know exactly what happened. She said that I would be upset with you if she told me." Wow. Even when she's pissed, she's still covering for me. "Yeah, you should be." I sighed, sitting down.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I nodded and proceeded to tell her everything that happened since Y/N left for filming. I could tell my mom had a hard time listening to it. "Chris, I know you're a grown man now and you have your own family and you're living your life. But, I am very disappointed. Even if you didn't initiate the kiss with Jenny, you still let her inside the house where you've watched your family grow! That's not only disrespecting Y/N, but you're also disrespecting Theo! And yourself! That is your ex-girlfriend, Chris. Not your friend. Now, I would understand if it was Scarlett or Lizzie, meaning someone that you both trust to let in the house. But you didn't call either of them. Or myself!" She pointed out. All true things at that.

I hung my head low and nodded, letting her know that she was completely right. I could've even called Anthony, knowing he has four kids. He definitely could've known a thing or two. Or my sisters! They for sure know more than I do. I could've called anyone but her. "You're completely right mom. There's no 'but' in my agreement. I could've called anyone else. I don't know what I was thinking." I said to myself as I held my head in my hands. "I just want to make things right, ma. I love Y/N with my entire being. And I know I messed up badly, I just don't know what to do to make her forgive me."

"This is what I can advise you to do, give her some space, but don't let her think that you gave up. For instance, maybe don't text her constantly. Maybe just send her a bouquet of flowers to let her know you're thinking of her and that you're sorry." She advised, "From time to time, let her know Theo is okay. And keep apologizing no matter what." She added, "Okay yeah. Keep apologizing, talk about Theo and......romantic gestures?" I questioned, "Yes." She chuckled. "I know you're sorry dear, but you have to look at this from Y/N's point of view. You hurt her. So now you just have to try to do your best to fix it and save your marriage. Show her that you will always put her and Theo first." She lightly smiled, holding my face with her hands.

"Okay, I will. I'll make it up to her. Thank you mom." I continued, "No problem at all. Now go take care of your son and get your wife back." She smiled. I took Theo back home and gave him some dinner. Once he was fed, we played for the rest of the day until he was physically exhausted. I could tell he wanted to keep going but the little guy just couldn't anymore. I carried him to his bed and tucked him in. Then, I came back downstairs. I scanned the living room and flashbacks of a few days ago came to mind. The horrible memory of Y/N not even letting me touch her brought back up all the regret. I can't even look at the couch the same anymore. Maybe that's what I need to do. Get a new couch.

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