Room 415

957 16 0


Monday, April 6th | 6:34 am

"Hey, I'm just double checking-" "Bug, you gotta stop doing that." Chris sung through my car speaker, "Stop doing what?" I asked confusedly while keeping my eyes on the road, "You gotta stop worrying so much. I'm not just a stranger that you left Theo with, I'm his dad, remember?" He answered with a soft tone, "I'm sorry. You're right, you're so right. Sorry. I just miss him already." I whined while Chris's chuckle echoed through the car, "I get it, love. It's fine. You'll be in and out. The audition's at 12:30, right?" "Yeah." "So, that'll probably not even take 30 minutes, maybe an hour at least. And then you'll be on your way home around 5:30 or 6 ish." "Yeah, you're right. Is he still asleep?" "Yeah, he'll probably wake up around 8. Sebastian's up though." He said whispering the last part, "He's drowned himself in three cups of coffee and's been scrolling through old pictures of him and Krystal." "Yikes." "Yeah. I'm gonna try to take him out again, that seemed to get his mind off things last time."

"Yeah, that would be nice." "And I was thinking of dropping of Theo at my mom's, just for today and tonight. She's been wanting to spend some time with him, if that's okay." "Yeah, of course!" "Okay good, and I was thinking that when you get back, we could go on a little date night..." "Ou, sounds interesting. We haven't had one of those in awhile. Where to?" "Now that is a surprise. Can't ruin it now, can I?" "You will be the death of me, Christopher." I sighed before biting my lip in excitement. Now I really want to head back home. "Don't worry, I know you'll just LOOOOVE what I have prepared." He teased, "Stop Chris! Now you're making me want to turn the car around!" I whined as he cackled into the phone, "Okay, I'm sorry. Go to the audition and then come home." "I will. And give Theo a big kiss for me before he goes off to his grandma." "I will, I love you. Be safe." "I love you more and you too." I replied before hanging up.

Only a few minutes later, I arrived at the airport. I took a deep breath before putting on my jacket and going inside. It didn't take very long for people to recognize me and ask for pictures on my way to the gate. I gladly took them and signed some autographs before finally getting to the door. The flight was at 6:50 and it was 6:45 so, I got there right on time. I gave my information to the front desk and got right inside the plane.

****5 Hours Later****

Getting off the plane, I was stopped a couple of times again for pictures and paparazzi but then got a Lyft to the studio. When I got there, I was waiting in line behind this one girl that I didn't recognize. Probably an up-comer. Then, she was soon called in, "Good luck!" I wished her, "Thanks-" She said turning around with a grin before her mouth opened, "You're, you're-" She stuttered, "NEXT!". She slowly walked backwards, looking between me and the audition room, "I love you!" She mouthed before running in. I giggled at her shock and recited the script to myself as I waited. About 15 minutes later, she came back out and wished me luck as well.

I walked in to see the two producers, along with the director and a camera man getting ready for my performance. "Hi, Mrs. Evans! My name's Paul, it's a pleasure to meet you!" The director grinned, shaking my hand, "Are you ready?" "Yes, I am." I confirmed. "Okay if you're not filled in on what the movie's about, it's about this couple, Sydney and Calvin, who's been together for some time and they have trust and communication issues. Once there's a miscommunication, they act irrational and everything goes downhill from there. They end up breaking up and she finds a new love interest, Grayson, who's the best friend of Sydney. Sounds good?" "Yes, sounds great." "Okay, I'll be reading the part of Calvin. We'll be doing the part where they get into the first heated argument." I nodded in response.

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