Greek Tragedy

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"How do you feel about going into the village tonight?" Matt asked, "Oh, I would love to. But didn't Paul say we had to stay on the resort?" "Who said Paul had to know?" He said raising his eyebrows with an evil grin, "Wow, Mr. Gubler. Didn't know you had a sneaky side." I teased, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He smirked, "So is that a yes?" He added, "Yes! But how will we get out?" "Leave that up to me. You just relax up until it's around 8. Then, I'll come get you." "Sounds like a plan." I grinned as he did to me. "Alright, I'll see you later." He waved as he left the room. Now I'm even more eager about being here. I wonder what we'll do once we get down there.

To not waste time, I dug in my suitcase for something to wear. Since we're not going anywhere too fancy, or so I think, I laid out a short red flowy dress that was off-shoulder with some white converses.

I waited until 6 to start getting ready

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I waited until 6 to start getting ready. I took a nice shower, curled my hair, and did some light makeup. Then, I put on some gold stud earrings just as I heard the door being knocked on. Right on time. I opened the door and there stood Matthew dressed in a white dress shirt that was down a few buttons and had palm trees on it with some light brown pants. And of course how can I forget, his famous mix matched socks. "Look at you, with your palm tree shirt on! You almost look like you're on vacation." I giggled, "Oh you think that's vacationy? Wait til' you see what else I have stored in my suitcase." He chuckled, "And you look great, as always. Are you ready?" He asked, offering me his arm.

"Yes, I am. Let me just grab my bag." I told him before quickly taking it and cuffing our arms as I closed the door. We got in the elevator and rode all the way down to the lobby. Just as we walked out and was closing in on the entrance to leave, Matt suddenly pulled me back behind a wall. "Matt! Why-" "Shh! Look." He whispered as he pointed towards the lobby chairs. Paul and two of our producers were conversing together, laughing it up about something that was probably not that funny. "What are we gonna do?" I whispered, "Uh..." Matthew replied looked around, thinking for a solution. "Okay since we're right by the reception desk and no one's there right now, we can crawl under it all the way until we reach the entry. Then we'll have to get up and run like hell, hoping they don't see us." He lightly chuckled.

"Let's do it." I beamed. He nodded and we both began to crawl under the desk. He took the lead and looked up a couple times to make sure they couldn't see us. Once we got to the end, he looked back and said, "Okay, let's get up very slowly and then once we get to the door, run." I nodded and we both got up like he said. We tiptoed towards the doors and once they opened, we bolted. When we got far enough, we both laughed like children. "That was shockingly fun." I commented, "Yeah, who knew sneaking past our bosses would end up being so exhilarating." He chuckled. "Come on." He said as he walked off to the side of the resort as I followed.

There was a rental scooter parked at the side, waiting there with two helmets. Matthew happily presented it by making jazz hands and raised his eyebrows, wishing for a good response. "Oh, I thought we were going to take a taxi." I frowned, obviously messing with him, even if he didn't know that. His smile faltered and mine grew as I quickly laughed, "I'm just messing with you, this is great! Way better than some taxi that someone probably had kids in the back of anyways." I joked as his grin came back. He tossed me a helmet and put on his. "Hope you don't mind getting your hair messed up." He said as he got on the scooter, "Nah, just spent an hour doing it. No biggie." I sarcastically joked, making Matt roll his eyes as I got on the back of the scooter.

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