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Chris's POV
As cliche as it sounds, I woke up to the amazing smell of maple syrup bacon. A smile grew across my lips and I quickly looked around, remembering that it was only Theo, Dodge, and I here. And there was Jenny, cooking up all sorts of things. Theo was by the kitchen island in his high chair while eating a cup of strawberry yogurt. "Good to see you're awake!" Jenny gleamed. I slowly got up from the couch and flew to Theo's side to feel his head, "His fever broke last night. He still has a small cough but, it seems like he's back to his normal self." She smiled, quickly pinching his cheek, making him giggle.

I grinned as a result and hugged her, "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much you saved me last night." "No problem at all, Chris. Anything to help that adorable face." She chuckled as I nodded. "What are you making?" I questioned, looking between the stove and the island. "I made some bacon, sausage, and I'm making some omelettes as we speak." She said flipping the egg around. "I hope you like avocados." "I love them actually." "Oh great!" She continued to cook the food as I sat with Theo, giving him plenty of hugs and kisses. After a few minutes passed, she set down the plate of food in front of me and grabbed her own.

"This is so much, Jen. First you helped with Theo late last night and now you cooked breakfast. I don't how I could ever repay you." "You don't have to worry about any of that. It's really a pleasure to help out." I smiled once again at her before digging into the food. And it tasted great. I forgot how good her food was. Once I was done, she grabbed the empty plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Thank you for everything, seriously." I stated, "Stop thanking me Chris! It's completely fine." She smiled. "And as much as I would like to stay, I think I ought to go back home. I was planning to do a little stay at home movie night. Well, more like movie day."

I smirked to myself before replying, "I think I have an idea."

***8 Hours Later***

"I can't believe you like the Little Mermaid! How did I not know this before?!" I exclaimed as we sat on the couch in the basement with Theo. We've been watching Disney movies all day and now we're at our fourth one. Who doesn't though?!" She giggled. The tv played the movie as we occasionally commented on certain things throughout it, "And I can't believe that you know all of the songs." She laughed, "It's taken years of practice but, it definitely worked out." We looked back to the screen, only to hear Theo mumbling Kiss the Girl a few seconds later. I looked down at Theo and the biggest smile appeared on my face, "You like that song, bud?" He gleefully nodded and continued to sing. "La la la la la la, ma oh ma." He sung which caused Jenny and I to stare at him in adoration. I have to record this.

I pulled out my phone discreetly and recorded Theo singing all the words to the song until it finished. "I guess he'll get his theatre gene from you." She whispered which caused me to smile.

"ONE MORE DAY!!" I exclaimed as I plopped down on the couch in my trailer. Matthew chuckled at my tiredness as he lifted my legs and sat beside me, placing them on his lap. We just got finished with filming for 36 hours straight and I was exhausted. "Yup. And then we'll go back home and finally go to Greece. Yaaaay!" He cheered which caused me to giggle. "Yeah, you're right. A break for a week before we go to the most fabulous and relaxing place of all." "There you go, think of the positive! And after we do a few scenes, we get to explore the beaut." He smiled, "Yeah, should be amazing." I muttered as my eyes began to shut.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go for a swim and eat the food....hey, when we get there do you wanna-" His question was cut of by my small snores. He lowly chuckled and said to himself, "Of course. Always been a sleepyhead." He grabbed the throw blanket and placed it on top of you before getting comfortable himself, figuring that he wasn't gonna be able to move without waking you up. He gazed at you for a few moments before falling asleep.

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