What Are You Doing Here?

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Chris's POV
"Jenny?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed as I stared dumbfounded at my ex-girlfriend standing before me. "Um, yeah it's me. I'm sorry. We haven't met, I'm-" "Jenny. Yeah, I caught that." Y/N interrupted as she folded her arms while Jenny stuck her hand out to shake. After a moment she awkwardly put it down and looked back to me, "What are you doing here?" I asked as I glanced at y/n, who looked like she was about to throw a car at her, "Well, I was in the neighborhood driving by from work, I'm working on a new movie and I saw your car parked out front. At first I wasn't sure if it was yours but then I saw that same little chain you keep hanging from the rear view mirror, so I knew it was you. I didn't know you lived here so, I just wanted to drop by and say hello." She smiled, keeping her eyes on me.

"Uh, well yeah. We live here now, decided to be closer to home." I responded, "Oh, that's nice. Didn't know your girlfriend-" "Wife." Y/N corrected with a straight face. This isn't good. "Right. I only saw one car so, I thought it was just you. Sorry to intrude." "Yeah, I would get why you'd think he's alone. With my car being in our garage and all. Couldn't have possibly thought that his wife was here as well." She sarcastically smiled as did Jenny. And just for a minute, they were staring each other down. If looks could kill, they'd both be shooting each other down right now. "Anyways, like I said, just wanted to drop by. It was nice meeting you, Denise." "It's Y/N." "Sorry, not good with names. But we should catch up, Chris. The 40's look good on you." She commented before walking away.

Y/N closed the door and immediately faced me, "What the hell was that?" She asked, "I have no idea, love. I'm just as confused as you are." "No, I know you don't know but, I'm just saying that in general. Your ex-girlfriend just shows up unannounced, interrupts the bomb sex we were about to have, and completely dismissed me as if I'm not married to you for almost three years and had a kid." She ranted while walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water, "I know, that was really random of her. I don't know why she didn't call or text beforehand." I added, "And did you hear what she said before she left? 'The 40's look good on you'." Y/N mocked, rolling her eyes which made me snicker, "And she was basically eye-f-ing you as if I wasn't standing right there!" She whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up the baby.

She took a sip of water and I walked up to her with a slight grin and wrapped my arms around her as I shortly chuckled, "What's so funny?" She pouted with her eyebrows furrowed, "I didn't know you had a jealous side. It's cute." I commented, making her roll her eyebrows again, "I'm not jealous and it's not cute. It was just really random." "Oh love, it's okay to be a little jelly. It's actually pretty sexy if you ask me. Maybe you should get jealous more often." I joked, facing her towards me as she tried to hide her smile. "Uh! Don't try to hide it now, I already saw it. Just admit I won." "You did not win anything." She chuckled, playfully hitting me, "Can I get a kiss as my prize?" "Now that, I cannot argue with." She replied as I pulled her in closer by the neck and gave her a kiss.

And you can guess once again, the door bell rung. "I guess our house is just the hotspot today, huh?" She groaned as she quickly walked away and opened the door. "Sebastian?" She questioned which made me hurry to the door. Shockingly, it was Seb, he looked like hell though. "Hey guys, how you been?" He asked with a half smile and scratched the back of his head, "We're good......how are you? Come in." She motioned him to come inside the house. "Where's Krystal?" She asked while glancing down at the suitcase he rolled in, "She's um.....we've been going through a rough patch. We're taking a break." He said, trying his best not to breakdown. "What?!" We both replied, "What happened?" She asked with a gentle tone as we all sat on the couch.

"We were fine for awhile, actually we were doing great. But you know how it is with work and not always being home so, there were some arguments that sparked. Nothing major. But then....I finally bought the ring." He scoffed, taking the box out of his pocket, revealing an alexandrite ring with diamonds encrusted on the sides. "And I-I did what you suggested, y/n, and I proposed while she was turned around cooking dinner. But once she turned to me, she wasn't as excited as I thought she would be and.....she said she wasn't ready." He finished, looking down to the floor, "Oh my god, Seb. I'm so sorry." She commented, hugging Seb. "And that wasn't even the worst part. I understood the fact that she wasn't ready because I would wait until she was but, then the next morning she was gone. S-She left a note saying that she had to go think about things and that she would be back. But that was four weeks ago." He pouted.

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