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Chris's POV


After yesterday, I was still a little upset about what happened with Y/N and that Matthew guy but, I know she would never do anything she wasn't supposed to do. I told Jenny what happened and she seemed kind of upset as well about the situation. She ended up going home but she said she would come back today so we could talk about it some more. A knock at the door pulled my focus, I'm guessing it's her. What a coincidence. I walked up and opened it for her and we sat down on the couch. "Where's T?" She asked, "Oh, he fell asleep on his playpen right there." I smiled pointing to it, which was by the stairs. "Oh okay, well let's talk about what's going on, huh?" "Yeah. Well, like I said, it was a shock to hear this guy in her trailer but I know she wouldn't break my trust like that."

"Yeah but Chris, don't you think she already did that by letting him in her trailer in the first place? With just the two of them?" I took in her words and sighed, "I don't know, I've known Y/N for so long, I don't think she would do that." "Well let's hope not." She flat out said, "What do you mean by that?" I asked defensively, "Chris, let's not be oblivious. Y/N is hot and so is that guy she's working with, I searched him up. You don't think there's not even the slightest chance that she's being disloyal?" "Jenny, why are you saying this?" I asked, visibly upset, "Because I don't think she's good for you Chris!" She harshly whispered, "Yeah, she's given you a kid and you have the home you've always wanted. But that doesn't mean that things will always be perfect. I mean isn't this the first time that's she's filmed something by herself since you got married?" She asked.

"Who knows what will happen when you're not there to see it." "Just because I'm not there, doesn't mean she'll go be with someone else." "Okay sure. But isn't that exactly how you guys got together in the first place?" Shit, she's right. All of this questioning is making me think. "Yes...." "Then you see my point." "Actually I don't, what is your point exactly?" "God Chris. You really can't see it, can you?" "See what?" "That I still have feelings for you." She whispered. That is not what I was expecting. "What?" "I have feelings for you Chris. And.....I think we can have a better shot at this." "Jenny, I-" Before I could say anything else, she grabbed my face and collided her lips with mine. A series of mixed emotions are swirling within me right now. Confusion, anxiousness......and unsteadiness. Because just for a second, I didn't push her away.

All of a sudden, a huge clashing sound of glass hits the floor behind me. I swiftly turned around and there stood Y/N. And at her feet rolled a signed football with shattered glass. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at me with disbelief. "How could you?" She sobbed. I instantly removed myself from Jenny's grip and followed her as she ran up the steps. I soon heard Theo's cries downstairs and cursed myself out. She ended up going to Theo's room and started to pack his bag, "Y/N-" "No Chris! Does our marriage mean nothing to you?! Why did you even let her into our home in the first place?!" She yelled, "First, you completely dodged my phone call when I was having a panic attack. Secondly, you bought a gun without telling me. And lastly, this." "Love, please-" "No." She firmly stated and stopped her movements, "Don't call me that." She walked past me and I attempted to grab her arm, "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" She yelled, snatching her arm away as she walked back downstairs.

I followed her again and saw Jenny holding Theo, trying to calm him down. " child" She said glaring at Jenny. She did as she said and slowly lowered Theo onto the couch. And that's when all hell broke loose. Y/N quickly slapped Jenny across her face and yelled, "You bitch! I knew you were out for my damn marriage!" She exclaimed, lunging at Jenny. They both collapsed to the floor as Y/N continued to tussle around with her and Theo began screaming. "Y/N, no!" I yelled out, proceeding to get her off of Jenny. "Mommy!!" Theo sobbed. I eventually yanked her off and said, "Why would you do that?!" "Why would I do that?!" She asked straightening herself out, "You are so ignorant! You really have the balls to ask me why I would do that?!" She asked pushing me off of her.

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