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"Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness."  – Steve Maraboli

Chapter 57

I felt my phone vibrate next to my hand. I reached for it, softly groaning as I rubbed at my eyes. The shower had barely woken me up. It took a couple of moments for my vision to adjust to the small writing.

Teresa : They think you're at Ravens. You're safe.

I sighed in relief. I texted Teresa as soon as I had woken up. Something told me I would have better luck talking to her than Ryland or my dad. But, at least for right now, I was safe.

I texted her thanks and stood up. I didn't want to wear the same clothes from yesterday, so I settled for one of Kade's shirts and a black pair of sweatpants.

I'd been awake for at least two hours. I would be lying if I said it wasn't purposeful. I refused to see any of my classmates today. Having to explain my early dismissal to my friends would be a pain saved for another day.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I watched Kade shift in his sleep. His face was now turned to me, his features soft with genuine peace. It was a beautiful sight.

When I woke up, I had to physically pry his arms from me in order to go get my shower. He woke up just enough to complain about me leaving, but when I came back, he was asleep, his body cuddled with the blanket I always used, and had been sleeping ever since. I'd been holding him the entire time.

I gently shut his bedroom door after me as I stepped out. The heavenly smell of pancakes lured me downstairs.

I saw Susie's backside as I stepped into the kitchen. She wasn't alone. Louise's hand was wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer too his body until she began to laugh.

I turned around to leave. I didn't want to interrupt their intimate moment, but it was too late.

"Oh," I heard Louise. "Hello, again. Kimberly, was it?"

I faced him. "Yes, nice to see you again."

"You too, love. Sit, we're making pancakes, eggs, and bacon if you want to join us," his warm smile was contagious.

I didn't want to intrude, but my growling stomach argued. "Thank you." Seeing Susie's small smile hover across her lips made me happy.

I knew Kade hadn't forgiven her, but seeing her in such a happy place with Louise after surviving her abusive marriage was beautiful. She deserved that change. Perhaps, one day, I would be able to hear her side. Something told me there was more.

"She doesn't like eggs," Kade's voice hummed from the stairs. "She likes fruit with her pancakes, too."

"Good thing I picked up some fresh berries," Louise smiled at Kade, who ignored him in response.

I heard him step behind me & soon in front of me. "Sleep good?" I chuckled at his scattered strands of bed hair.

He ran a hand over my stomach, tugging me back into him. His lips fell against my neck first, my cheek, then my head, stroking his hand over my front.

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