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"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer."—Paul Atreides 'Dune' ——————————————————

Chapter 6

Kade continued towards his car, and I knew then that I had to choose. To either let this opportunity slip through the cracks, or stay here and wonder what could have happened.

"I'm coming," I decided, voice as small as a mouse.

By his expression, it seemed like he had been against me tagging along with him. His eyes were an entirely different story. Even if it were for a second, I refused to deny the emotion that slipped through his hard expression.

Before I had gotten to any close proximity of his car, he opened the side passenger door for me. I frowned under the simple manner, glancing at him. His eyes remained trained on the ground below us as he did this.

"Thank you," I murmured.

I sat myself down into the seat, and he shut the door behind me. I stared at his back before he got into the car. My anger had no intention of retreating anytime soon, but for right now, the confusion was bringing the money home.

What was I doing?

I had to be in a car with Kade, a guy that hated me. With a reason, only he would know. One that he had to have fabricated himself to believe. Hell, I hadn't even known the guy for more than a month.

The car jumped to life once he placed the keys inside of the ignition. I watched the muscles in his arm tighten as he backed out of the parking lot.

My eyes raised to a staring Kade as I began to pull on the seat belt. My eyebrow raised in question at him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Putting on a seat belt," I responded. "What does it look like?"

His gaze moved to the road. He didn't answer me, instead he began to go faster. And, faster. And, faster.

My breathing picked up speed once I heard a good amount of cars honk at us. I glanced at Kade to see his fingers begin to whiten around the black steering wheel.

My back hit my seat hard, resulting from the high speed he was traveling at. "Kade!"

"Stop!" I yelled once the car almost rammed into a large truck, which he barely avoided.

My fingers dug into the seatbelt for leverage. "I said stop it!" I demanded, my face flushed.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" he exploded back at me. "Damn it."

At his outburst, I willed myself to stop from jumping out the car, headfirst. I should have waited for another opportunity, because this one was already going to hell.

Gradually, he slowed down to a speed that was doable.  A burning gaze landed on my red face, one that obviously belonged to Kade.

I turnt my head to my window instead. Fuck him, and his stare. Instead, I focused tears dripping down the windows.

Silence found a way between us both. I had to will myself not to lose it in front of him, because without a doubt, he'd use that against me, as well.

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