bumping heads

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"Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!" —Planet of the Apes, 1968 (this doesn't relate to anything, but it makes me cry from laughing lmaoo)

Chapter 19

I tossed a pouch of mozzarella toward Kade. "You've seriously never made a pizza before?"

His concentration remained on the pizza dough in front of him. "No."

I watched as he sprinkled a decent amount of cheese on the dough. His brows furrowed in concentration as he examined it from every angle. I turned away to stop from laughing.

"You're not going to use more?" I asked.

One eyebrow parked up at me, his eyes dancing with recondite. "Are you trying to challenge me?"

I blinked. Was he actually trying to have fun with me?

I was still very skeptical of his sudden kindness, but maybe I should just enjoy it while it last. I could use it to my best ability. "I—yes?" I responded unsurely. "Unless you're afraid."

Kade scowled, his arms topping the kitchen counter. I looked away from his sleeveless shirt. "Nah. You make your own pizza and I'll make mine. We'll see how badly yours turns out." His face remained blank, though by the light beginning to show in his eyes, I assumed he meant it as a joke.

I nodded in agreement, opening his fridge to retrieve more dough. "Everything's a challenge to you, huh?"

He tried to cover a smile with a smirk instead, and I grinned at the turn.

"You could say that," he muttered, his eyes raising to meet mine.

We were entirely linked to one another by the quick contact exchange until he released the bag of cheese onto the ground. Its remaining contents scattered over the kitchen floor before the plastic bag followed.

I bent down to help him clean it up. Then, clink.

A pain tore through my head, and we both fell back. I groaned as I pulled myself up by the elbows. I rubbed the middle of my forehead, before realizing that we had bumped heads.

I looked at him.

He looked at me.

Then, we both burst out laughing.

He used his palm to rub at his head. "You should see your face," he managed to get out in between his laughter. It was deep, throaty, and I believe rare. That was my first time genuinely hearing it, and a part of me didn't want it to be the last.

I continued to laugh as I picked myself up. "You should see yours. You're definitely leaving a bruise."

His eyebrows were as close as they possibly could be, and his brown eyes were wide with alarm. I laughed after I caught another look of his face.

I rubbed my forehead. Well, I knew that would leave a mark.

I brushed the dropped cheese from the back of my jeans. "How do we always end up hitting heads?" I asked more to myself then him.

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