Sorry guys, I've been busy with college exams! Enjoy🤍!
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life." – Elizabeth Gilbert
Chapter 79
<—————————————>I nearly leaped with joy as Kade placed the greasy fast food bag in front of me.
I looked up at him with a grin. "Thank you. I couldn't take anymore of those potatoes without throwing up." I groaned at the thought of the mystery lunches from the hospital.
"Your dad would kill me." Kade carefully lifted my legs, sitting down beside me. My smile grew as he leaned forward to kiss my cheek. "I was never even here, okay?"
I laughed with a nod, pulling my fries out the bag. I offered him some, but he shook his head then said, "They're all yours."
I began to unwrap my burger before I heard him ask, "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"
"Fantastic now that this is here." I nearly drooled at the taste of actual food. For the past week and a half, I'd been in the hospital, with this absolutely inhumane food. But, I was feeling better. Not completely, but enough to be discharged.
Apparently, my attackers were rookies. One of them attempted to stab me, but the knife didn't hit anything major, just my shoulder. I was stuck with a cast on my arm for the rest of the month, as well as a couple of scars. The black eye no longer hurt with every move, but it was still there. There were bruises and swelling still embedded in my skin from where they beat me. My body continued to ache if I pushed it too far, but I could get around with crutches. I wasn't at my best, but I was alive. I considered that enough.
But, Kade on the other hand. I could see the blame, the anger, everything. I could see how badly he wanted to beg for forgiveness that I didn't seek, how badly he wanted to go after them himself, how much he blamed himself. He tried to hide it, but I knew what was brewing underneath. No matter how much I tried to convince him that I was here, I was okay, we were okay, he still felt liable to what happened.
I didn't blame anyone except those three. Daniel, Amber, and Natasha were responsible for their own actions. It did stem from Kade, but I knew of the dangers. I was aware of everything that could happen, and it did happen.
We couldn't turn back time, though. We learned our lesson, and had to move on. That was the only thing we could do. I would heal, Kade wins the match, we leave for college and never look back.
Kade was rubbing at his bruised knuckles, his brows furrowed in concentration as he stared down at them. A smile crossed my lips as I brushed my toes against his arm. "Hey, idiot."
His eyes raised to mine, his expression relaxing. His lips lifted before he wrapped a hand around my foot, gently yanking me closer. I laughed, despite the fast food bag falling to the ground.
His face leaned in closer to mine, minty breath fanning against my lips. "Ready to go?" I nodded before I raised my head for a kiss. He shook his head, immediately.
I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I told you my lip doesn't hurt anymore. I'm fine." It did, but not that much.
I saw the guilt crack through before he erased it with a shake of the head. "I'm gonna start packing your things." With another eye roll, I nodded. He turned away, then began on my things.

It All Started With a Diary
Storie d'amoreI anticipated every breath, and every word. Each day, you could only take an uneducated guess at what he would say. What he would do. My heart tremor as he leaned in. "I was wrong, sweetheart. I was so wrong," he whispered, the words tickling my ea...