fighting it|part 4

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." – Lao Tzu.

Chapter 32|part 4

My legs led me past the other fighters, ignoring their mixed murmurs and side glances. I heard both Levi and Luke shout my name, but I still kept going.

I didn't quite know where I was going, or even what the hell I was doing exactly. But, I just continued on in the direction of the shouts and yells.

By the time the roar of the crowd increased, I had been pushed into another body, only to be caught by another pair of hands and then shoved into a different person. I didn't pay attention to any of them, only attempting to reach the ring.

I didn't know what I would do once I reached the fight, but all I knew was that Kade was losing.

Finally, I reached the caged ring, pausing along the line of people. This was as close as you could go, mere inches from the platform of the state. I could no longer hear past the blood in my ears, and the loud yelling and shouts of the crowd behind me didn't help. Slowly, they all died down as a man walked up to the platform.

The man's thin arms grabbed Angelos, raising it up. "Round 1 is over! Give it up for Calloway!"

The crowd went crazy, some shouting profanities, and others screaming in happiness at Angelo's win. I was the opposite.

Dread filled me at the sight in front of me. Kade—who held his side tightly—looked to be in bad condition, by his slightly swollen eye, and bloody running nose.

I couldn't move anymore; hell, I could barely even breathe. The energy around me only added to my shocked stature.

I stood still, trying to come to terms with what I just saw. Suddenly, I felt as if I had millions of insects crawling against my skin. As I felt the brush of another hard hand against my backside, the dreadful feeling found a way into my bloodstream, adding to my distraught weight.

Kade was a fighter, and from what I learned from Luke, he had something to do with the theft and the racing of the very cars he stole, too. He was destroying his life every time he walked into this place.

I wanted him to stop this, to stop killing his future every day he hung around this environment. But, for right now, I couldn't focus on that. He needed to win.

The announcer turned to face the crowd, his skin humming with adrenaline as he yelled into the mic, "Ladies and gents! Give it up for round two of Ryder vs. Calloway!"

The crowd responded with their screams and curses, causing the walls and floors to rattle under their pressure. I responded with a gulp of fear, digging my fingers into the fabric of Kade's hoodie. I didn't want to watch this, to watch Kade get hurt again, but I couldn't tear my eyes away.

Some type of bell rung in the background, only worsening my fears. My anxiety only increased as I saw Angelo throw a punch at Kade, who ducked and threw a jab at Angelo's lower body.

My mouth fell agape at the sight. Kade was good. The crowd begun chanting either name but I kept my attention forward. He was quick and more than effective with his jabs, but something was off. Angelo obviously could tell, and quickly took advantage of this.

With a couple of jabs to the ribs, he managed to trip Kade up. Just as he went to rearrange himself, Angelo threw Kade's body down like a rag doll, the sound rattling in my ears. Kade struggled against him, only encouraging Angelo to pin him down by the base of his neck.

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