fairy tale

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." —Desmond Tutu

Chapter 12

If looks could kill, I'd be in my grave right now.

Amber scoffed, flipping dead blonde hair over her shoulder. Bright blue eyes gave off an abundance of hateful emotions, to both Raven and I.

Her gaze shifted between us, a smirk soon following. "Oh, so you two are suddenly besties?"

Neither one of us answered her. We weren't friends, far from friends actually. I wasn't even supposed to be here.

"Whatever." Amber rolled her eyes, the annoyance perched up on her face. "You two losers deserve each other." She crossed eyes with Raven, who was holding back tears. "Don't even think of coming near me or any of my friends ever again, Raven."

Amber's scratchy laugh followed behind her, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I turned and offered a hand toward Raven's still figure.

She eyed me for a moment before placing her hand in mine, then pulling herself up. "Thank you."

I nodded, hauling my bag onto my shoulder. I wasn't sure of what to do right now; I hadn't even meant to leave the stall.

Once my hand went for the door, I heard Raven call out my name.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you, Kimberly," she whispered, her head bowing in shame.

I paused, turning back around towards her. Her lips were downturned in sadness, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I-it's fine," I whispered, my hands gripping the straps of my backpack tightly. My voice was still hoarse from crying. "Your friends were the ones who did everything."

She shook her head, mascara leaking down her cheeks. "I know but...I should've said something. It's not okay. I was such a bitch to you, but you still helped me."

"How could you even..." she huffed, swiping at her cheek. "I didn't deserve it."

I shrugged my shoulders, focusing my eyes on her new looking shoes. "I'm just doing what I wish someone did for me; I guess someone has to break the cycle."

She laughed, though I could easily sense the emotion there. "I guess you're right."

I turned back around, my back to her. I felt bad for the girl, it seemed like she had been so used to having friends to fall back on. And now she had no one. Just like me. I wonder...

I squeezed my eyes shut, counting until I felt my breaths steady. Finally, I faced her again. "Raven?"

Red-rimmed eyes gazed at me.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked, shutting the bathroom door close.

Her eyes lit up a little bit at me, and she nodded eagerly.

Just like that, Raven ventured off into the weird love tangle that had happened between Justin, herself, and her now ex best friend, Amber. From what I learned, she caught Amber with Justin only a couple of minutes ago, out in the middle of the football field. She mentioned that she had been following Justin since he suddenly had to leave her to go to the 'restroom' but in the process, she caught Justin with a hand down Ambers' shorts and their tongues down each others' throats.

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