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I have news! If you follow me, you already know from my message board. If you don't, I'll announce it in the final chapter. Enjoy!🤍

"The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence." —George Thomas


Chapter 90

"Thank you again, Kimberly. Seriously," Shay said with gratitude as she took Annabeth from me. "I'm really sorry about the short notice."

"Don't even worry about it." I waved her off, smiling as Annabeth coed. "You know I love keeping her."

Shay and I laughed as Annabeth's tiny fingers swept out for me. "She loves you too, apparently." If I didn't need to get home, I would have gladly taken her back.

After I managed to clean as much of the mess as I could from my jeans, I retrieved my things, and followed after Shay.

It was only six, so I should have enough time to finish my application essays. If I didn't have a deadline, I would have been more than happy to stay with Annabeth.

Babysitting Annabeth, work, school, and college applications provided an effective escape for me. It all tired me out as soon as I was home, so that I had no time to dwell on anything else.

Or, someone else.

It had been two weeks since I left Kade at the cages. I wanted to check in with him personally, but I knew it was too personal. Too confusing and misleading, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Levi continued to send me updates of his recovery, though I barely responded to him other than a thanks. That was the only reassurance I had.

Every day was harder than the last. I missed him in everything that I did, had done, or would do. Halves of me were vacant, and I didn't know if they would ever return. Either way, that hurt was still there for right now, and I couldn't fuck with fate.

The only thing that had gotten easier were the distractions. Since I had more days off at the diner for school, I helped out with Annabeth. It was only a couple of hours, but Shay and Griff didn't trust strangers' with their child yet, which I understood. They offered to compensate for my time, but I didn't accept it. Annabeth was a joy to be around, and she wasn't high maintenance since she was so young. Plus, it helped distract the mess that was my life, even if it were only a temporary solution.

Since the weather changes were deemed unsafe to travel in, school was delayed until a couple days after the match.

I guess it was as normal as it was going to get. Everytime I was in the halls, I felt the stares, and heard the whispers. They were all about Natasha and Amber, and my peers' versions of what happened.

I didn't have it in me to care, though; there was only two months and a couple of weeks left, so I had nothing to care about any longer when it came to the strangers at school.

As for Kade, I didn't see him in the beginning. I wanted to believe it was believe it was because of his recovery, but a part of me wondered if he were trying to avoid me as much as I were him. I just didn't know.

Levi sat with us, but if he brought his name up, I would leave and spend my lunch elsewhere. After a while, I guessed he picked up on it, or Raven said something, because he did his best to stop himself from doing it, again.

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