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Enjoy 🤍.

"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated." – Maya Angelo

Chapter 67

"Try this one," I offered.

Kade, who was currently cursing my very existence, rolled his eyes. "I'm not trying any damn thing else."

I sighed, placing the cup back down. "Fine." I bought several coffees from the airport just to do it, and Kade had been my test subject the entire time. This was the fourth cup.

His eyes shifted to me then the cup. With a groan, he motioned for it. "This is the last one, and I'm not playing, Kimberly."

I grinned excitedly as I handed the cup of coffee to him. "That's what you said the last time." Still humored by his lack of compassion for caffeine, I leaned into my seat.

I noted a curse under his breath. The grimace on his face before he spit the coffee back into the cup sent me into a fit of laughter.

"Good, right?" I continued to laugh as he took a swig from his water bottle.

His shirt strained against his arms as he shoved a hand through his hair. "I'm going to get you back for that, sweetheart."

I chuckled, massaging the back of his hand with my thumb. "How so?"

His lips hung in a suggestive smile as he leaned over to me. Inches away from my ear, I heard him murmur, "You'll see."

I pushed him away as the butterflies awakened in the pit of my stomach. If my nerves became even worse, I wouldn't make it to Wisconsin in one piece.

The fact that I was more afraid of what would happen over the next couple of days than the airplane was horrendous. That didn't stop me from freaking out the moment the plane took off, though.

Kade was as cool as a damn cucumber. He'd done this numerous times, but this was my first time on an airplane. Not only that, Kade booked first class tickets.

I grinned excitedly as I dared myself to sneak a glance out of my window. Beautiful. "I can't believe I'm on an airplane."

He chuckled as he leaned over to catch the view with me. "You liking it now? After y'know, throwing up?"

I leaned into my seat, rolling my eyes as my cheeks heated. "I didn't throw up. I just...dry heaved a little bit." My voice shrunk during the last part.

Maybe I hadn't completely been calm, but I made it on the plane. That was all that mattered.

I glanced around to the empty seats."I would have been fine with economy tickets."

"Fuck that," he scowled back at me. "I knew you were already anxious, and I knew a crying baby, and hundreds of other passengers wouldn't help that. I didn't want to put you in that situation."

My heart warmed in my chest. It was true. After the last week, I didn't want another panic attack. Even though I faked my fear, millions of other factors on a plane could send it all to shit.

I kissed his cheek, swiping his jawline once. "Thank you."

"Only the best for you." Kade lifted our conjoined hands, pressing a kiss to the back of mine. I smiled then shut my eyes.

He had arrived earlier than expected at Raven's so I was only running off five hours of sleep.

I was glad to get out of there.

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