I may have shed a few tears writing this last chapter 💀. But, seriously thank you guys so much for everything. Thank you for being my escape, my home and my comfort. Writing has helped me through so much, especially this past year. As most of you know, this story has been with me ever since I was in middle school. I'm about to be finished with my first semester of college now! 😭 It's absolutely insane, and in that time, I've grown so attached to my characters. They're such a reflection of myself and I'm so glad you allowed me the opportunity to share them with you. Now, here comes the news! 🥁🥁🥁
There's going to be a sequel!!
It took some time to confirm, but I'm absolutely sure of it now. It will be of Luke and Maggie, picking up right after IASWAD. Of course, those who have stuck around know how terrible my schedule was with this book. So, I'm going to write the story in full or finish at least half of it before I publish it for you guys. It won't take me long I swear and, I'm beyond excited to share it with you guys. During that time, I will also be editing IASWAD. I will announce on my message board, or in a additional chapter here when Luke and Maggie's book is out! Also, if anyone is interested in designing a cover for their book, please message me!
This is the last chapter before the epilogue, and I hope that I met your expectations and more with this ending. I'm going to miss these two characters incredibly so. The ending was how I envisioned it, but it was so painful to finish.
Thank you to all of my supporters, the friends I've made here on Wattpad, and just all of you. 💕 You've watched me grow as a writer for the past five years and your support means the world, truly. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Enjoy 🤍
"It's okay to be scared. But you have to get out there, open up, love, make mistakes, learn, be stronger. And start all over again."
Chapter 98
<—————————————>"Are you sure?" Kade asked, his eyes weighing on the door in front of us. "There's no telling what she's on right now."
I nodded tightly, gripping my stomach. It would do nothing to hold its contents though, as it hadn't the first two times I threw up.
"Yeah. I need to do this alone," I said, glaring back at the door. "This is between me and her."
Kade's hand found mine in between the seats. I tore my gaze away from the door, feeling my tense figure relax. It helped hold me front and center from the hatred that was beginning to build.
"You know I'm going to be right outside," he reminded me. "Be ready for anything. Don't forget that move I showed you—"
"I know." I leaned over to capture his lips; it was the only thing that could center me right now. "Thank you for being here."
His hand grazed the back of my neck before gently squeezing. I rested my eyes against the comforting sensation. "You know I always will be." That was more than true.
It had been a year since that night at the Christmas lights. Since then, it was like we fell right back into step but at the same time, we learned and grew with one another, too.
He definitely made true to his promise: he earned a smile from me every single day and continued to shower me in love and bliss. The man was full of surprises every time, that was for sure. But, I loved it. I loved every single thing about him, and myself. Us.
After a couple of weeks, I let him move in with me, though he spent every night in my apartment anyway. Since we lived right next to each other, he was easy to move in.

It All Started With a Diary
RomanceI anticipated every breath, and every word. Each day, you could only take an uneducated guess at what he would say. What he would do. My heart tremor as he leaned in. "I was wrong, sweetheart. I was so wrong," he whispered, the words tickling my ea...