Enjoy, guys! 🤍
"My life is my message."-- Mahatma Gandhi———————————————————
Chapter 32|part 5
<——————————————->As Kade jumped down the stairs two at a time, I knew it was a matter of pure seconds before I would have to suffer the consequences. I pushed through my fear and turned to flee the scene.
My legs ached from how far I pushed them, but I was slowed by the mass. Just as I caught sight of the door between a gap of men, someone grasped me from behind.
I released a gasp as I was spun around.
Green eyes glared down at me, his hands tightening around my wrist. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Levi shouted, to my surprise.
I couldn't answer; my throat was lodged up. Fear overpowered my will to speak, so instead, I offered a shrug.
I was surprised at the fact that Levi was the one yelling. I would have thought it if Luke without question, but never Levi.
His eyes were widened with what I guessed was fear. He shook me, his fingers digging into my skin. "Answer me, Kimberly! What the fuck were you thinking?"
My gaze fell. "I-I just wanted to help..." my voice diminished into nothingness at his harsh glare.
Levi's expression was as hard as nails, I didn't even think it was possible for him. "What the fuck, Kimberly? Do you think that getting yourself hurt or worse by these assholes would have helped him?!"
Guilt hit me so hard, I stumbled. I didn't think about it that way. I was too enticed in helping Kade to realize the things that could have happened to me if I had landed in the wrong hands. No one could have saved me from there if it had.
"But he won," I tried to help myself, despite the tremble of my skin. "I'm sorry; I wasn't thinking."
Levi laughed, though the sound was distasteful to my ears. "Yeah, you're right you weren't." His eyes tore into my very soul so roughly, I had to look away.
His mouth shut as did his eyes for a moment as he massaged at his temples. With a heavy sigh, he pulled me by the wrist to the room from earlier. I didn't fight against his hard tug; I knew I'd messed up by going out there, regardless of the win.
I squeezed the corners of each finger as we came to a stop. Kade was already on the bench, unwrapping the bloodied material from his wrist and hands. Luke stood behind him, fumbling through a locker.
Kade glanced up a moment later, casting me a side glance before he went back to wrapping. I swallowed the lump in my throat, preparing for whichever of the consequences would come first. His figure remained the same, eyes narrowed and focused on the gauze. His mouth didn't open until he was finished rewrapping his hands.
Luke placed a shirt next to him, nodding in return as Kade mumbled a thanks. Levi joined Luke by the lockers, casting me a nervous glance. Luke wore a smirk, his arms crossed as he flickered his eyes between Kade and I. We all stood in silence, the intensity of the quiet conversation only adding to my nerves. I felt as if I were going to burst into flames any minute now.
Levi stepped away from the lockers first, motioning toward Luke, who scowled in return before falling into step. "We'll go tell Adrian that you're almost ready," he told Kade.
Kade nodded his head, then Luke and Levi left the room. For the first time, I felt awkward in Kades company. Now I kind of wished his friends stayed, even at my own cost. I stood in my spot, my insides burned and crisped to a corpse.

It All Started With a Diary
RomanceI anticipated every breath, and every word. Each day, you could only take an uneducated guess at what he would say. What he would do. My heart tremor as he leaned in. "I was wrong, sweetheart. I was so wrong," he whispered, the words tickling my ea...