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"I would rather be a good man than a great king." – Thor (AKA: My husband. 💀)


Chapter 53

I gladly placed the final assignment to the side. I'd been working on them for at least two hours. Tonight, I didn't have any shifts to cover at work, thankfully.

I wasn't that surprised when my teachers gave me the extra work even though Kade and I had finished a good load of it a few days ago. I couldn't say I wasn't disappointed though.

My head raised from the papers as I heard the beep of my phone, alarming me that Kade had responded to my message. We both had been so busy today.

Tonight, he had to train at the cages. I wasn't sure what time he would finish, but I knew that it wouldn't be early. From what I knew, it would definitely take a toll on him physically, as much as I didn't want it to. If I couldn't stop him, I was at least happy that he would be prepared.

Before he would go to the cages, he had a session with his aunt. I didn't get the information out of him willingly. I figured it out from the many calls he declined from his Aunt Caylee. When I asked him about it, all I received was a 'yeah' and then silence.

I tapped my pencil against my knee as I thought about what would be discussed in his session. Was his aunt making any progress? Did Kade tell her about our relationship? About our conversation in the woods?

Just as these questions began to disperse, new ones appeared.

Borderline Personality Disorder. I knew little about it, but I still wondered. Did he feel disunited from his emotions? What was it like for him to deal with these things on his own for so long?

I was one who hated being pitied. But, at the thought of someone feeling as if they were less than others', as if their emotions didn't matter just because society labeled them with a stamp of swiped at my heart with a dagger.

I tried my hardest to remember bits and pieces our conversation in the woods about the way he described himself. A ticking time-bomb. From the last few months, I could see that there were things that could trigger Kade. I wanted to know if there was anything else that I should be cautious of. I knew that every single mental illness had different aspects, so I could guess that it wasn't a exact replica of anxiety. But, I knew both were things people struggled with daily. Anything could trigger that place in your head, almost making it impossible to find a way out.

I reached for my phone, unlocking it with a single swipe. I didn't want to make Kade think that he was a project because he was far from that. I was truly interested in learning more about borderlines.

I bit my finger as I waited for the page to load. As I read through, I remembered how Kade called himself unfixable and crazy. That made my blood sizzle with anger.

From what I gathered, a borderline was a person who had trouble understanding, processing, or comprehending the intensity of their emotions. At any triggered moment, their insecurities could flood their emotions and overtake their words, or their actions, even if they don't intend for it to happen. Especially anger.

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