Saying goodbye

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Deidaras POV:
Ever since sasori died I've felt more alone then even and when this new tobi guy joined it got worse. I open my eyes just as the sun comes up but I just can't bring myself to get up and actually do something. I think I'll just say I'm sick or not feeling well to get out of a mission today. "Deidara are you awake" I hear konan ask me as she knocks on the door. I just groan and throw my pillow at the door "listen I know how your feeling and I'm sorry for your lost we all lost him he was very important to us but you have to move on". I just groan even louder "please go away" I ask her knowing she probably won't listen. "It's been days you need to eat" she tells me I just throw whatever is near me at the door and that happens to be my headband. "Please konan go away" I ask her while pulling the covers over my face.

"If you don't eat I'll send tobi in he's been wanting to see you ever since he woke up."I look at the clock and noticed it was 6:30 am and that's way to early to deal with him. I can barely stand the others at this time or even at all. Sasori just got me in a way he wasn't up all night blasting music like the others. Every morning I'd wake up not getting enough sleep but he'd be there with some coffee ready to just sit in silence and drink coffee occasionally saying a few jokes while the others slept. I start to tear up realizing all the moments we shared are just memories now. "Deidara are you okay" I hear someone ask me it almost sounded like sasori. I remove the covers from my face looking to the side of my bed to where the voice came from. I couldn't believe it. It was sasori I instantly start crying I don't care who's sees me anymore. "Why did you leave me" I ask him as I go for a hug. "Dei it's time to move on" he says as he hugs me back. "I don't need to now that your here we still have so many things we need to do" I tell him thinking about the things we could do.

"Deidara wake up" sasori tells me. "What do you mean" I look around to see a mix of yellow and red flowers. "It's time to move on goodbye dei" sasori says to me as he slowly starts to disappear. "NO PLEASE NOT AGAIN" I yell running to him "p-please don't leave me again" once I reach him all that's left is his headband. "NO" I scream as my eyes open I look around to see a heart monitor and a iv where the hell am I. "Thank god your awake we were so worried" konan tells me I chuckle a bit knowing that's not true at all. "What happened why am I here" I ask looking for a solid answer. "When konan sent tobi in he found you having a panic attack after he told us we all ran into your room and took you here and you not eating for a few weeks has made your condition almost critical." Pain tells me. "So what's wrong with me" I ask looking around the room to see everyone looking away. This is such a waste I don't need to be here I'm fine. I rip the iv out of my arm and disconnect all the stupid devices hooked up to me. "Deidara senpai what are you doing" tobi says with his annoying voice that just makes me want to punch him. "I'm going for a ride I'll be back later or not at all" I mumble that last part hoping nobody will notice especially tobi because he'll tell everybody. "Deidara you can't leave you need to stay and eat." Hidan says to me with a bit of a chuckle I just flip him off and try to walk out only to be stopped by tobi and pain. "He's right you need to lay down" pain tells me grabbing my wrist and dragging me back to the bed. "He's dead never going to come back so get over it already he was a nobody anyway" kisame says while resting his arms behind his head.

"What did you say" I ask not knowing if he actually said that sure enough he responded with a smirk. That's it I've had enough. I take off this stupid robe and toss it to pain "kill me if you must but I'm leaving this silly little club" I say to pain. "But dei-" I cut tobi off mid sentence by shoving my hand over his mouth not wanting to hear that annoying voice. "Will you ever shut-" it was tobis time to cut me off but instead of words it was a smacking sound. I hear everyone laughing especially hidan. "I think your hand likes him a bit to much" Itachi says chuckling I just give him a confused look and look over to see tobi MAKING OUT WITH MY HAND. I immediately rip my hand away as he lowers his mask back down over his lips. Everyone else just burst out laughing "I'm going to my room" I yell trying to run out the room only to be stopped by tobi grabbing my arm. "Deidara senpai you must stay and get healthy" tobi tells me dragging me back to the bed.

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