Safe and sound

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Deidaras POV
"How do you know I got captured" I ask Kabuto jumping down by a lake for a drink. "I didn't I was there to get information o-" he stops mid sentence with regret displayed all over his face "that's something you don't need to know now get your drink and let's go."
I wonder what he was going to say.

I shrug and cup some water into my hands trying to drink it before it falls back into the lake. "When can I go back and see the others" I ask him hoping he'll say soon. "When the leaf is off our trail now come on we can't stop for to long" he says running off.

Maybe I should send a bird to the others to at least let them know I'm alive. I grab a little bit of clay and make bird "go find obtio" I whisper to the clay bird as it flys off. "Come on we need to go" kabuto says grabbing my arm and running.

"What why nobody is after us" I ask him trying to get out of his grasp. He just looks back at me better running faster. "What's going on with you" I finally am able to get my hand away from his.

"Come on let's go" he says once more trying to grab me again. "What aren't you telling me" I say slowly walking backwards making him look at me like I've got two heads. I hear a sigh escape his lips before he pushes up his glasses.

"I'm supposed to get you to lord orochimaru so he could have your body but we are running late so let's go" he tells me successfully grabbing my hand again. "Are you insane no way" I say trying to get away from him. Maybe if I yell for obito he'll come-no stop you can't have him save you every time.

I pull away from him once again and start running back in the direction of the leaf. I have no idea where I am or how to get back to the others but I'll find my way. "STOP" I hear him yell as he runs after me. Maybe I should yell for him he could be near by.

I chuckle at myself of course he isn't looking for me. He doesn't even know what my mission is I shouldn't have lied. "Stop right there" an out of breath kabuto says catching up to me. "TOBI" I yell louder than I've ever yelled before.

Obtios POV
"I'll race ya back" hidan says to me getting ready to run off "oh your on" I say also getting ready to run. Something in my body tells me to stay tho I wonder why. I turn to look back in the direction of the leaf. "H-hey wait a minute" I say looking back to see hidan running.

"CHEATER" I yell running to catch him only for him to stop dead in his tracks almost falling face first. "What is it" I ask him looking around for any ninja from the leaf "did you hear that" he ask me oh great now he's insane. I shake my head putting my hand on his head to check his temperature.

He goes to say something but I cover his mouth and listen just in case. I hear someone yelling and it sounds like my deidara. I look back at hidan giving him a short nod before we both run full speed towards the sound.

Once we get back to the leaf I look around everywhere. "You think we're going in-" I get cut off by him pointing ahead of us a and running. I follow him slowly going faster "it's just woods shit" hidan whispers looking down at the ground. I look back and scan the area for any signs of deidara.

"Come on let's get back this was a waste" he says patting my back. I guess deidara is de- "tobi look" hidan says looking up. I look up and see a tiny clay bird "DEIDARA WHERE ARE YOU" I yell in my obito voice making hidan gasp.

"TOBI" I hear someone yell from in the trees. Me and hidan book it into the forest searching for deidara "DEIDARA" hidan yells still running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

"We lost him" I say stopping hidan from running. I close my eyes mentally cursing at myself for not finding him. He was right there and I couldn't get him I'm pulled out of my thoughts by hidan hugging me yet I don't open my eyes.

"Hidan don't hug me I'm not in the mood" I say pushing him away "listen we have to pretend he's dead okay" I hear another voice say. I snap my eyes open getting ready to attack once I see the leaf headband "tobi he's not a threat" deidara tells me- wait deidara.

I look to my left to see his blonde hair facing me as he hugs hidan "Deidara oh thank god" I whisper letting my eyes fog up with tears. He lets go of hidan and hugs me not showing me his face.

"Deidara let me see your face" I say pulling away from the hug. He slowly looks up at me letting me see his bruised face "I swear the leaf will pay they will be begging for mercy" I whisper into deidaras ear.

I lift my mask up above my lips and smash them onto deidaras lips. It's been so long since I've felt his lips. It might be cliche but our lips fit like puzzle pieces I don't even want this moment to end. But of course nothing's perfect.

4 eyes just had to interrupt this moment. "You guys need to go" he tells pointing to a clearing in the trees. "There about 20 ninja over there because of deidaras yelling" I nod and pick deidara up bridal style before mumbling a thanks to 4 eyes.

I run off with hidan by my side and finally deidara in my arms "why did you lie to me. You said you just you just got asked to look around the area" I ask him while jumping from tree to tree. "I didn't want you to get mad at me and you told me not to" he reply's almost making me lose my step.

"I wouldn't get mad you idiot I just want you to be safe now look at you not to mention I'm gonna start a war over you" I tell him making him gasp "don't do that I'm here with you now" he says making me chuckle. "You got hurt all bets are off" I tell him biting my tongue so I don't say anything I'll regret.

"Go to sleep you look tired" I tell him as I lightly kiss his head. "Good night I...I love you" he says before closing his eyes and burying his face into my chest. I can tell by his ears that he's blushing like a mad man. "I love you to" I don't think I'll even get tired of saying that.

"Hey lovebirds let's hurry this up I can sense a few others" hidan tells us going a bit faster. I nod and listen to deidaras breathing he must be asleep because his breathing had leveled out. "Hey hidan how about that race" I say going even faster as he smirks and runs after us.

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