Love is dead

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Deidaras POV
I wake up from a nap that felt like years to two or three people talking. All I can understand is obitos deep voice but the others I have no idea. I open my eyes to see Itachi and kakuzu sitting next to the bed I'm in talking to obito who's leaning on the wall. "Morning deidara" I hear someone say my head and body hurting to much to realize who said it I nod anyway and mumble whatever comes to my mouth "morning" is what I'm guessing I said way to tired and in pain to say something. Once I fully wake up I can finally hear what there talking about it's apparently some new medicine and I'm the lucky one who gets to test it out. I hear the door open followed by a sigh from kakuzu "you aren't supposed to be in here while he's resting" kakuzu tells someone. I look up and see hidan and he's holding two things behind his back "yeah but kisame needs you guys to help him with something" he tells them as they all give each other a look well I'm guessing obito is also giving a look under his mask. "Okay but if you are lying I'm going back to sleep in my room and will never sleep in the same room with you" kakuzu tells hidan making hidans eyes wider anyone could imagine. "Y-yeah yeah I'm not lying she needs you guys in the common area" hidan says walking closer to me as the others walk out "what's up dude" he asks me sitting down opening two beers. "Aren't you worried about what kakuzu will do" I ask him knowing kakuzu will be pissed that he lied he just waves his hand in response "I'll just charm him like I always do" he says handing me a beer I can't help by laugh a him. "HIDAN" I hear kakuzu yell as hidan spits out his drink running to the door and locking it. "Hidan do you really think that will stop-" I'm interrupted by obito and kakuzu kicking the door open. Once they enter I hand hidan my beer not wanting to get in trouble. "Hidan" kakuzu says while dragging hidan out the room by his ear. I can't help but chuckle as kakuzu drags him god knows where "don't think you're off the hook" crap I forgot about obito "well would you look at the time I think I'd better go to sleep" I say pulling the blanket over my head "deidara" I lower the covers showing my eyes. I close my eyes as he walks close to me pricking me in the arm with something "oww what the hell was that" I say pulling the covers down to my waist "it was the new medication I was trying to tell you about once injected your bruises will heal and you'll start to feel better" he tells me leaning the door up in a way that keeps it closed. He takes his mask off and makes direct eye contact with me. That dark look in is eyes is something I've never seen before it's terrifying. "Deidara it's incredibly important that you don't drink any alcohol 2 hours before and 6 hours after" he tells me sitting down looking me back in the eyes.

Crap I just drank some damn it hidan. "W-what happens if you drink some" I ask him playing with my fingers still making eye contact. "You can die" I gulp hoping hes lying. "Hahah I'm sorry dei I was just messing with you but seriously drinking isn't good for you when you're on medication" he tells me walking to the broken door "I'll be back later but if hidan is still alive and comes back don't do anything dumb rin okay" he tells me walking out- wait who's rin. Itachi must know about her maybe I can ask him "ITACHI COME HERE" I yell probably losing my voice a bit it worked anyway. "What do you want" he asks me moving  the door to the side "who's rin" I ask him making him choke on his own spit. "There is no point in lying to you so rin was obitos love and he's probably still in love with her" he tells me sitting down next to me crossing his legs like he's someone fancy almost makes me mad. "So she's like his girlfriend" I ask him sitting up a bit to drink some water "yeah well she's d-"

"So I still have a chance" I cut him off before he can say something stupid "Trust me when I say this you won't have a chance with him he loves rin that's why he's here actually" he tells me making my heart shatter I was really starting to l-love him. "Can you get out please and somewhat close the broken door. Pains going to have your ass for that" I say with a slight chuckle as he gets up and walks out adjusting the door. Once he leaves I wait a few minutes to let my tears fall only to realize they have already been falling oh god I hope Itachi didn't see my tears. I guess I wasn't cut out for love. All the moments I've ever felt something go through my head. The kiss we shared and seeing his stupid face. I never want to see him again I'll deal with him on missions but I vow to never let myself get close to him again. "Hey senpai can I come in" I love up and see him walking in anyway "what do you want tobi" I ask him wishing he'd go away. "Tobi came to tell you that you'll need one more shot then we can go back to sleeping in our room and as a bonus we can go on missions again" great just great I can probably just sleep In Itachis room for now "what do you mean our room" I tell ask him probably meaner than I ment. He looks around before lifting his mask just above his lips "what's the matter with you" he asks me feeling my head "I'm sharing a room with Itachi so will you get out" I tell him pushing him away. "Why would you do that I thought we'd share a room and decorate it together" he tells me inching closer to me. "Obito get out"

Obitos POV
"Deidara why would you wanna share a room with him" I ask him wondering what the hell is up with him. "Why don't you go share a room with rin your dearest love" how the hell did he find out about rin. "You can stay in my room on one condition" I look up and see Itachi standing right in front of deidara I turn around putting my mask all the way down. "Itachi he's not sleeping in your room" I tell him knowing something deidara doesn't know. "Yes he is" Itachi tells me stepping closer to deidara "why don't you share a room with rin" crap I can't let them share a room Itachi will try and make a move on him and deidara is mine. "Deidara you can't-" I try telling him until he cuts me off  "because you just can't" I promised Itachi I wouldn't tell deidara about Itachi being in love with him.

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